Levels the field , let free speech & ideas more fairly compete in the  
market place of ideas etc.
I wonder if U have even read the decision well reasoned by the majority. 
If U would like a copy of it I will direct U to one.  For your  education 
as well as for myself & all who may choose to read it. It restored  the 
common law interperation as it was understood before 1962.
In a message dated 1/22/2010 11:17:03 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
r...@searchsummit.com writes:
Another  one: 
The  Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United v. FEC threatens to tear  
apart the fabric of our democracy and grant powerful corporations unfettered 
 influence in our political process.

Tell congressional leaders to  support and pass a constitutional amendment 
granting Congress the authority  limit corporate influence in elections 
without delay.
_http://site.pfaw.org/Amend_ (http://site.pfaw.org/Amend) 

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