2 Points:

The first, is that secrets are part and parcel (to use MMY's favorite phrase 
from the 50's) to the movement.  Secret ceremony, secret mantra, secret sutras, 
secret advance techniques.  What the hell, might as well have a secret family.  
I'm glad Tony  has one since it might keep him more grounded in reality.  It 
doesn't really matter to me one way or another as a Siddha.  The whole raja 
thing to moi is just a sideshow.

The second is Hagelin's so-called ignorance.  If his lack of knowledge about 
the raja's rugrats is true until recent times, then it leads me to suspect that 
John, Bevan, etc., are nothing but socket puppets for those folks behind the 
scenes that have the real power and set policy. The TMO is a nice little money 
making machine for somebody and it is the ignorance and sincerity of the public 
figures that makes that machine attractive and run smoothly.  Dedicated 
practitioners like myself who have a skeptical nature see through this pretense 
and look for the tools and services that may have some benefit, and laugh off 
the rest of the malarkey.

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