On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 10:11 PM, Rick Archer <r...@searchsummit.com> wrote:

> Regarding what kinds of experiences people share, many of the folks I've
> been interviewing, and others, attend the meetings and discuss the kinds of
> experiences they discuss during the interviews. That's a bit of a cryptic
> answer because I haven't been able to upload the interviews yet, but you'll
> see what I mean when I do. There's a conference phone in the room so that
> out of town folks can join in. if that interest you, contact Tom Traynor:
> 641-919-6917 - and he'll give you the number and conference code.
>  I didn't notice him twitching. What I did notice is that he didn't tune
> in to the energy of the group. He launched into several long, self-centered
> monologues, not allowing for interjection or interaction. He later commented
> to me that when he hadn't been talking, he had enjoyed staring at the
> breasts of a teenage girl in the room.
What *I* noticed was a bunch of self-indulgent people who were way, way out
there but talking about really mundane things.  It was like people were
describing how it felt internally when they floss their teeth.   Like they
were all stoned.  I was rounding very heavily, like 10 hours a day and had
my own network of friends and CPs that I shared a common language and a set
of common experiences with.  Rick seems to have a fetish for experiences I
just don't get.  And a passion for Amma I don't get.  Rick really gets off
on these sorts of things like the Satsung.  Rick likes to play school
crossing cop at these affairs, directing this one to speak, this one to
rebut, this one to speak next from what I can see.

I arrived twice before Rick and it's pretty amazing just how much back
stabbing Rick's "friends" were and apparently how unaware Rick is that
people say one thing to Rick when he's around, volunteer much different
things about Rick to a stranger when Rick's not around.

I've not bothered to watch the interviews yet.  I fear they will be more of
the same.  The observation that Rick lacked a certain dynamism in the
interviews I think has something to do with Rick not normally oozing a lot
of emotion. Not Italian, Greek or other very emotionally expressive.

This flatness people have reported about the interviewees.  That's the
flatness I felt in the other people at the Satsung.  It was all happening in
their heads.  Yeah.  That turned me off.  I kept asking, "Where's the
heart?   Where's the emotion?".   My buds and I find this lack of flatness
to permeate public places like the Indian and Chinese restaurants in FF.
People will drone on and on, in this very loud monotone that drowns out the
conversations of people at other tables.  Really into their experiences,
common, trite, everyday experiences,  but it's all coming from their heads
and not from the heart.  Visitors to FF tend express a lot more emotion and
modulate their speech a whole lot more.

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