--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "ShempMcGurk" <shempmcg...@...> wrote:
[I wrote:]
> > > Oh, bullcrap. You bring up Rama at every possible
> > > opportunity, 
> [snip]
> A visit to Google Groups Advanced Search and a search
> on "Lenz" in just alt.meditation.transcendental returns
> over 1,200 hits.
> Now some of those 1,200 I suspect were of WillyTex
> mentioning Rama, which he often does.

Barry more often calls him Rama, or just refers to a
teacher he used to study with without naming him.

Thing is, a lot of those 1,200+ hits would be of
other people quoting Barry's posts, so you can't
really tell. You have to specify the author on the
search form.

As I recall, he didn't use to mention Rama as often
on alt.m.t as he has here. But he was *on* alt.m.t
about twice as long as he's been here.

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