He who aspires to be the next Maharishi has not one but two Facebook
pages.  Check 'em out; they are listed under:
- Girishjifans Varma - Brahmachari Girish
On the second one he has seven listings under "website".  What I find
interesting is that when you do a google advanced search on "nader" for
each of those sites, pretty much the only mention of Nader is in the
context of a milestone in the history of the Movement.

But, boy, do I LOVE those colorful photos of the aspiring Maharishi!  I
don't think even James Cameron could outdo the gaudy, raffish, and
psychedelic colors that Girish has managed to surround himself with. 
Can you say "loud" in technicolor?  I next expect the Garish One to hand
out 3-D glasses so that all who gaze upon his Photos of Opulant
Spiritual Flotsam and Jetsam can get really, really convinced he is the
Real Thing.

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