Transcribed by: Jörg Schenk 

[Note: According to traditional scientists the DNA molecule contains the
genetic code which is fixed and cannot be changed. The DNA is composed of
four bases—chemical components—which combine in sequence to make up the
"code" of life. Of course, scientists are unaware of the importance of the
gap (relationship) between these discreet components, being made of
"nothing" and therefore largely ignored.] 

DNA and the genetic code

Maharishi Nagar,  Oct. 1988

MAHARISHI:        ...We have just now established that it is the gap between
the two particles in the whole body, the reality of Shrotas, that make  life
immortal. That is because immortality is a reality not of matter, but it is
a reality on its own and it is intelligence.

What matter does is, it extremely localizes it. It makes it so localized
that its flexibility gets lost. Because it is an eternal reality, where does
it substantiate its existence, when its found that one particle has
swallowed its eternity, continuum and immortality?

It gets into the structure of the particle and it gets into the relationship
of one particle with the other. And then it enjoys its freedom and eternal
wakefulness in the middle point of the particles. So we say, it is not these
four particles that are the source of intelligence, it is their relationship
with one another.

The beauty is that the RNA, emerging from DNA, the process is that the two
particles which are together, they create a relationship between them. They
expand the relation, that means the relationship area becomes lively. From
that liveliness springs an impulse.

Now what is happening in this case is very beautiful. We have seen that this
particle and that particle, they are controlled by the middle point where
neither the value of this particle nor the value of that particle, but a
field of all possibilities is lively. In the middle point of the
relationship of the two particles there is all possibilities lively.

So what DNA does, it creates - it is difficult to say `creates` when we talk
of two values, intelligence and matter, and when we see the working of the
DNA, that they are together and then it opens itself.

In that opening what is happening is, that field of all possibilities is
lively. Where from that particular kind of RNA comes to create  that
particular kind of protein and all that, where from? 

>From the requirement which that widely awake field of all possibilities, the
central point of the relationship... because it is a field of infinite
correlation, omnipresent everywhere. So it knows what is happening during
the eclipse time or what is happening when the earth is going round its axis
and now there is night.

The DNA opening feels the requirement of the universe. The requirement of
the universe is compatible with the requirement of the body, because body
has also survival, universe has also survival.  Both have to survive in
terms of mutual alignment, one is aligned with the other - that field of all
possibilities, the point value.

What I am emphasizing is, the middle point of the relationship of two
particles or two waves - it doesn't matter what we take into account - the
middle point of the relationship is a field fully awake within itself. It is
a transcendental reality. It has none of these values of either this or this
or this. So it is pure wakefulness, pure wakefulness is there.

What is needed comes out. Now what is needed depends on an infinite number
of considerations, but it is a field of all possibilities, because it is
Ritam bhara pragya, a state of intelligence which knows everything and which
registers only the truth. It is not deluded because it is Self-referral.
Being Self-referral it knows everything.

And this reality is located in the functioning in DNA. So rather than saying
that the particles have a genetic code we say the relationship between the
particles is the field on which the things are registered.

And from this inexhaustible source of informations - it is an inexhaustible
source of information not because of thousands or millions of past lives,
but on the basis of its own character.  It is the Self-referral
intelligence, Self-referral consciousness, it is completely out of any
weakness, but a potential of all possibilities, potential of all levels of
silence along with the potential of all levels of activity.

And the emerging of the RNA associated with the Sanskaras, that also  is not
wrong, but the fundamental value is that the middle point of their
relationship, from where the RNA takes off, is a field of all possibilities,
fully awake within itself - Self-referral consciousness. And in that
Self-referral consciousness all the interactions are all Self-referral. The
whole multiplicity is all Self-referral in the state of unity.  So unity is
eternal, multiplicity is eternal and dynamics are eternal.

So in that eternal drama of the one reality, the phenomenon of DNA is
enacted. The DNA enacts the drama of the Self-referral intelligence, which
is an eternally going on self-interacting dynamics of pure intelligence or
the Self.

So it is not the particles, but it is the relationship of the particles. So
when the particles separate, the middle point changes its value....

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