> > The other Barry says fourteen years, Curtis says twelve, 
> > Edg says twenty-five and John Manning claims he scammed 
> > over 5,000 people out of their money. What's up with that?
> >
> I didn't find your name on the list of TM Teachers in good 
> standing in Fairfield. 
Because I'm not a TM Teacher?

When were you last in Fairfield? I was there on two occasions,
once in 1972 and again in 2003. I didn't see an 'Joe' on the 
approved list of TM Teachers. What's up with all the secrecy? 
Did you get kicked out of the TMO? Just be honest.

> What's up with that?
You are nosey!

Didn't have time to spend six months in a motel somewhere in
the back-of-beyond, meditating. Instead, I became a householder
TMer, raised a family and worked all my life to save up for 
early retirement. I probably know more about 'TM' than the
Maharishi himself.

> Go figure.
However, I was a Zen Master before I even started TM! 

The Confessions of a Taco Eater:

I took the 'Spiritual Guides' course (Checker) but didn't 
actually become one. Over the years I've managed to visit 
India, attend numerous CCPs, RCs, and Zen retreats, and I've
had time to take courses in Sanskrit and Comparative
Religions at a major university. I have spoken to three
direct disciples of Guru Dev.

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