WillyTex wrote:
> Bhairitu:
>> Tantrics openly advertise in Indian newpapers 
>> and magazines. They usually ply their trade as 
>> astrologers. 
> We are not talking about 'neo-tantra' of the sort
> advertised in newspapers and magazines like the 
> Daily Mail.

No I'm not talking about "neo-tantra" which you'll find in Marin County 
and advertising in the "Open Exchange" published in the Bay Area.  I am 
talking about real tantra.  Get your facts straight.  Here we have 
several Indian newspapers and magazines.  The astrologers and readers 
advertise on a page or two.  I also know a woman Sufi-tantric who does 
readings and has very powerful shaktipat.  She is authentic.
>> Many of the Indian astrologers are tantrics.
> You're probably not going to be able to learn 
> anything about 'Vamacharya' Tantrism from them, 
> whether they are astrologers or not. It's just
> not something you're going to learn about in
> downtown London.

Bullshit Willy.  Why do you persist in this crap!  You don't know shit! 
I study with a tantric as you well know.  I have also met tantrics in 
India.  I know the fucking difference and you don't.  I also have a 
swami title that my guru bestowed on me after I passed a number of 
tests.  I haven't done much with it because like many Americans I'm busy 
just staying afloat in this shitty economy. 
>> And though the actual teaching is kept secret 
>> to preserve it's shakti the theory is openly 
>> discussed. 
> Get a book and you can read all about the Shiva 
> and Shakti theory, but that won't get you an
> initation into the secrets of Sri Vidya tantrism 
> - it's more of a family secret.

Who cares?  Village tantra simple and easy to learn. Very well fitted 
for the busy westerner.  No academic masturbation to navigate either.  
It is extremely powerful.  I don't think many people could handle 
anything more powerful.
>> But the theory takes on greater depth with 
>> experience. 
> Kashmir Tantrism is based on experience, but the
> last acharya lives in Los Angeles.

All tantra is based on experience, Willy.   Books read before one is 
initiated read differently after.  What authentic books on tantra 
published has things implied between the lines.

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