Apparently when it comes to denying AGW, Mr Poli-Carp supports 'dowsing'
as a credential for a fellow AGW denier who has been exposed as
misrepresenting himself by the current president of the scientific body
he once headed. He's further been discredited by the research of the
hundreds scientists of that very body:

...I am writing to inform you that Dr. Mörner has misrepresented his
position with INQUA. Dr. Mörner was President of the Commission on
Sea Level Change until July 2003, but the commission was terminated at
that time during a reorganization of the commission structure of INQUA.

Dr. Mörner currently has no formal position in INQUA, and I am
distressed that he continues to represent himself in his former

Further, INQUA, which is an umbrella organization for hundreds of
researchers knowledgeable about past climate, does not subscribe to
Mörner's position on climate change. Nearly all of these
researchers agree that humans are modifying Earth's climate, a
position diametrically opposed to Dr. Mörner's point of view.


John J. Clague
President, INQUA

= =

Current sea level riseCurrent sea level rise has occurred at a mean rate
of 1.8 mm per year for the past century,[1]
<> [2]
> [3] <> 
to 3.1 ± 0.7[4]
>  mm per year (1993-2003).

Current sea level rise is due significantly to global warming
<> ,[5]
>  which will increase sea level over the coming century and longer
<> [7]

Increasing temperatures result in sea level rise by the thermal
expansion <>  of water and
through the addition of water to the oceans from the melting of
continental ice sheets <> .

At the end of the 20th century, thermal expansion and melting of land
ice contributed roughly equally to sea level rise, while thermal
expansion is expected to contribute more than half the rise in the
upcoming century.[8]

Values for predicted sea level rise over the course of this century
typically range from 90 to 880 mm, with a central value of 480 mm.
Models of glacial flow give a theoretical maximum value for sea level
rise in the current century of 2 metres
<>  (and a "more plausible" one of
0.8 metres), based on limitations on how quickly ice can flow.[9]
<>  and
more recently at rates estimated near 2.8 ± 0.4

See Graph:

  [File:Recent Sea Level Rise.png] 

Much more at link:

--- In, "PaliGap" <compost...@...> wrote:
> --- In, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@ wrote:
> >
> > I think once people get emotionally involved in an issue, they don't
like to find out their *investment* is or could be wrong, so they defend
it to the end. You got to know when to hold'm, know when to fold'm. Of
course, if you've learned anything from TM, it should be, *let it go,
take it as it comes*. As for satisfying liberal agendas, I've always
thought man made global warming was just an attempt for *big government*
to control our lives via energy, punish success, reward those that
contribute little or nothing. Damn, what would Darwin think of that?!
> And also... On this forum of all places (where the
> wackies discuss the wackiest), it seems a bit rich
> of Knee-jerk-reflex to imply that Nils-Axel Mörner is
> a "nutbag" because he has an interest in dowsing?
> "The nutbag dowser and liar, Nils-Axel Mörner"
> (former head of the Paleogeophysics and GeodynamicsStockholm
> University...retired in 2005...president of the International
> Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) Commission on Neotectonics
> (1981-1989)...headed the INTAS Project on Geomagnetism and
> Climate)

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