ShempMcGurk wrote:
> --- In, Bhairitu <noozg...@...> wrote:
>> ShempMcGurk wrote:
>>> --- In, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
>>>> Very interesting article about what is going on in Greece but also in 
>>>> Turq's new digs.  Apparently there was a general strike yesterday in 
>>>> good ol' Spain:
>>>> "On Tuesday, Spain's cities were shut down by unionized workers 
>>>> protesting its left-wing government's plan to raise the retirement age 
>>>> to 67 and cut spending in order to deal with its own serious fiscal 
>>>> situation.
>>>> Spain has debt of 54 per cent of GDP and a deficit of more than 11 per 
>>>> cent, plus unemployment levels that approach 20 per cent and a 
>>>> housing-market collapse."
>>>> Article here:
>>>> The US hasn't had much in the way of any General Strikes, just a few by 
>>>> some unions.  Maybe it is time we give it a whirl?  Could be a hoot.  
>>>> How about April 15th?
>>> I'm surprised you didn't choose May 1st.
>> I didn't choose it, as I mentioned in my reply to Turq it was suggested 
>> by a caller to Thom Hartmann's show.  April 15th is a date that the 
>> government's approval rating will be at its lowest since people are so 
>> pissed preparing or sending in their tax returns.  Easiest to get the 
>> most people out on that date on both sides of the aisle.  But I'm sure 
>> you're so concerned about being a "good little puppy" you're happy about 
>> sending in your return and even paying early.
> Correct me if I'm wrong, Bhairitu, but aren't you the one who wants the Dems 
> and Obama to institute all those socialist programs like free health care for 
> everyone and Cap and Trade and all those things that will increase spending 
> more and more?
> If so, then it is you who should be happy about sending your tax dollar to 
> the federal government.  April 15 is the day to remind you of that.  May 1st 
> is even better because it is May Day, the Communist International Day of 
> Solidarity.

Your appraisal is simple-minded.  No responsible liberal wants to pay 
more taxes.  We don't want what we pay squandered on foreign wars.  I, 
like you, don't want to pay so much in taxes.  I don't know if you've 
ever earn 100K+ a year like I did in the 1990s and see a big chunk going 
out in taxes.  It made me understand why people become Republicans.  So 
much I was paying in taxes was being wasted.   But instead of becoming a 
Republican I chose to speak out more and complain to my legislators.

As for socialism you should know by now my solution is a well run 
commons (things we all need access to regardless of our income level) 
and that can only be accomplished through social programs and not the 
private sector.  I would limit capitalism to small business only.   
Things that require large businesses to operate could be done with an 
amalgamation of smaller businesses.  BTW, I prefer to work for myself 

I didn't come to this through naive ideologies but from first observing 
a close family member who was a big businessman and how he and his 
associates had little scruples when it came to ethics.  I saw his (half 
generation older than me) as the forerunner of the unethical types that 
took over Wall Street in the 80's and 90's.   He even operated a company 
that had government contracts and heard about his dealings with 
government officials including our state senators.  He attended a nearby 
liberal arts college that many of the wealthy sent their kids to and one 
of his frat buddies was the son of the president of a very notorious 
multinational company.  And I believe his son took over the reins 
later.  And BTW my experiences included getting to know intelligence 
operatives in on the deals too.  That's why I have a little more insight 
than most on conspiracies.

I'm going  to write a brief review "The Informant" which I watched last 
night.  It is a good expose on how corporate businesses run wildly.  
They really don't know what they are doing and in most cases just 
winging it.  When I was offered the management job at the software 
company I had reservations about it and asked my sister who was a 
manager at an insurance underwriter and she told me "just fake it as no 
one knows what they are doing and after a while you'll figure it out."   
I once chatted with a top level professor of management at 
Harvard-Princeton and he told me the same thing and he felt that many of 
his students were clueless.  Management is hard thing to teach because 
it is a constantly changing field.

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