WillyTex wrote:
>>> I'm replying because I guess I'm naive but I
>>> assumed that most semi-intelligent people, 
>>> even in America, had *gotten over* the whole 
>>> Irrational Fear Of Commies thang...
> Shemp:
>> Perhaps there were those that had an irrational"
>> fear of communism but a "healthy" fear of
>> communism turned out to be a blessing for all
>> those places that heeded such a warning...
> We're not too big on 'Commies' over here in the
> United States, or 'Socialists' either.
> The Spanish economy is going down the drain fast
> because of the Commies and Socialists! Nobody can
> make a living over there, even unions are going
> on strike. How long until the Spanish banks 
> default on their World Bank loans? That's when
> it will hit the fan!
> Barry is living with Commies over there - he
> maybe likes it - but most of the people where 
> he's living with are either Commies, Socialists, 
> Monarchists, or outright Fascists. Go figure.
> In the U.S.A., we believe in freedom and the 
> right to make an honest living and to enjoy the 
> fruits of our labor so we can pay our own way.

With what jobs?  They're quickly disappearing.  Work is not the purpose 
of life anyway.  You can't hire a cerebral person to do menial labor, 
their minds will drift and do a poor job.

We have reached a point of too many people and not enough jobs for all.  
We need to become a leisure society where people are paid not to work.

Work is not the purpose of life.  You're just a wage slave to the 
capitalist overlords, that is if you still have a job.

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