> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > > > > 
> > > > > Interestingly, the donors were all TMers.
> > > > 
> > > > Very interesting indeed.  Can anyone else guess why that was?
> > > 
> > > Yup. I'm sure many of the TM critics gave money for
> > > Haiti relief as well; they just didn't want it to look as
> > > though they might have been inspired to do so by TMers.
> > 
> > Nope, but nice swipe at the non TMers. For some of us
> > donating to the cause had nothing to do with this agenda
> > of proving something about TM or non TM.  It was not a
> > wedge issue that needed to be used to prove something else.
> But you're suggesting it was on the TMers' part, right?
> I didn't even notice that the donors were all TMers until
> after it was over and done with. Nobody waved a TM banner.
> Raunchy waved an *FFL* banner. She and I were thinking of
> it as a group effort on the part of FFL participants. I
> doubt any of the other contributors thought of it as
> anything else either.
> > > They should have started a TM Critics' Drive. Then we
> > > could have had a competition and probably raised even
> > > more...
> > 
> > If our world revolved around being anti-TM.  The issues
> > of giving are not associated with my views on TM although
> > you have chosen to link them.  We can conclude nothing
> > about non TM people from their lack of participation in
> > the FFL drive.
> But we can attribute lowly motives to TM people for
> having participated, right?

No I did not.

> > Being individuals I suspect there were many reasons.
> > > 
> > > My point, of course--which Curtis attempts to distract
> > > attention from while nastily insinuating lowly motives--
> > 
> > Lowly motives you ascribe to the non TMers.
> Right. You can ascribe lowly motives, but I can't.
> Hypocrite.
> > You are linking the concepts here Judy you don't get to
> > shove your own connection on me for challenging it.  I
> > just asked why that was
> There was no need to ask "why that was." The *only* point
> I was making was that TMers aren't slackers about doing
> their bit, contrary to the impression your pal Barry
> tried to create.

I accept that point.

> > and true to form you assumed the worst about non TMers
> Hardly. I said I was sure many of them had donated as
> well.
> > turning this into a wedge issue.  You even suggest that
> > it becomes a contest
> Sarcasm in response to your nasty insinuation.
> > showing that for you this proved a point about TM people.
> > One that is bogus as I have pointed out.
> If the point I was making--that TMers contribute just like
> others--was bogus, then why *did* the TMers contribute?
> Come on, Curtis, spit it out. Have the balls to let us see
> how you really think.

Because they felt sorry for the poor people in Haiti?  That would be my guess.  
And the drive here seemed like a good way to do it for them. (I don't think my 
balls need to be included in such a discussion.)

> > > is that householder TMers don't just sit back and assume
> > > their practice is all they need to contribute to the
> > > general welfare. Like most other decent human beings, 
> > > they're moved to do whatever they can to help others in
> > > material ways as well.
> > 
> > I couldn't agree more in your case.  The fact that the
> > movement believers tend to think their inner magic cures
> > social problems is too documented to debate. It is part
> > of the doctrine of beliefs.
> That doesn't mean they don't *also* help in material ways.
> > I'm glad you got to donate and feel good about it.
> It's not about "feeling good about it." It's about doing
> something helpful to others.

It is whatever it is for you. I believe feeling good is a natural reaction to 
acts of altruism, it is hardwired.

> And just how do you imagine I wouldn't have gotten to
> donate, such that you can be glad I did get to? Are you
> suggesting I wouldn't have had any motivation to do so
> if there hadn't been a TMers' effort here?

No I think linking the charity to TM vs Non TM is bogus.  You are over focusing 
on words without getting my meaning.

>   You
> > didn't need to make the statement about non TMers and you
> > certainly didn't need to accuse me of nastiness for
> > calling you out on it.
> Wait *just* a minute. I didn't accuse you of nastiness for
> "calling me out" on non-TMers' nonparticipation in the
> donation drive. I accused you of nastiness for suggesting
> that the reason TMers donated was to "prove" something
> about TMers. 

I did not suggest this.  You have made this up to make me look bad for 
challenging your making charity into a partition issue. And an anti-Barry issue 
at that by your own admission.

Get the sequence straight before you get all
> self-righteous.

That was funny.
> It didn't occur to me to wonder why non-TMers hadn't
> participated until you suggested the TMers had ulterior
> motives for contributing. Seems I was late in realizing
> how the non-TMers here viewed the drive. Silly me.

I did no such thing.  I asked a question why you thought it was that non TMers 
didn't contribute.

YOU > > Interestingly, the donors were all TMers.
> > > > 
MEs> > > > Very interesting indeed.  Can anyone else guess why that was?

You want to show me how this means I was accusing TMers for having ulterior 
motives for contributing?  Think you might have jumped the gun a bit?  Made 
some stuff up to make me look bad?

> There was no need to ask "why that was." The *only* point
> I was making was that TMers aren't slackers about doing
> their bit, contrary to the impression your pal Barry
> tried to create.

That wasn't your ONLY point.  You have neglected to mention your other point 
which was :

Judy > Interestingly, the donors were all TMers.


> > > Yup. I'm sure many of the TM critics gave money for
> > > Haiti relief as well; they just didn't want it to look as
> > > though they might have been inspired to do so by TMers.

Speaking only for myself, your reason is bogus.


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