The one power that GOD is lacking
MAHARISHI:       ...GOD never comes down (to earth), because He can`t
descend,  it is beyond his capacity to be less than almighty. Coming down
means, He should become less than almighty and He just can`t.  Omnipresent
is omnipresent - it can`t detach itself from here or there or there.
This one power He lacks, that He can`t detach himself from us (laughs). GOD
the Almighty has not got that one power - even if He wishes, He can`t take
himself away from us.
Question:  Guru Dev always used to repeat that: The one thing the Almighty
fails is that He cannot separate himself from us`. 
MAHARISHI:  Yes, Guru Dev used to say - even if He wants, He can`t.  Because
if He separates, if He succeeds in doing so, then He ceases to be almighty
and He ceases to be GOD and He ceases to be omnipresent. And that He can`t
Kumbha Mela,  1966  (audio 9/9)

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