--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John" <jr_...@...> wrote:
> The Vaishnavas might disagree with these statements.

Not to the mention the Budhists !
Thanks for posting this !

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <rick@> wrote:
> >
> > The one power that GOD is lacking
> >  
> > MAHARISHI:       ...GOD never comes down (to earth), because He can`t
> > descend,  it is beyond his capacity to be less than almighty. Coming down
> > means, He should become less than almighty and He just can`t.  Omnipresent
> > is omnipresent - it can`t detach itself from here or there or there.
> >  
> > This one power He lacks, that He can`t detach himself from us (laughs). GOD
> > the Almighty has not got that one power - even if He wishes, He can`t take
> > himself away from us.
> >  
> > Question:  Guru Dev always used to repeat that: The one thing the Almighty
> > fails is that He cannot separate himself from us`. 
> >  
> > MAHARISHI:  Yes, Guru Dev used to say - even if He wants, He can`t.  Because
> > if He separates, if He succeeds in doing so, then He ceases to be almighty
> > and He ceases to be GOD and He ceases to be omnipresent. And that He can`t
> > do...
> >  
> > Kumbha Mela,  1966  (audio 9/9)
> >

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