--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltabl...@...> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "ShempMcGurk" <shempmcgurk@> wrote:
> >
> > I wonder how many of the original members are in this 2010 
> > version.
> When we were at MIU remember the rumor that Susy Levin had 
> sung with Big Brother before Janis?

I have to admit to having only the haziest of
recollections of who Susy Levin is, but that
haziness suggests to me that the rumors may
have been in jest. :-)

I also have to admit that, having seen Big 
Brother with Janis many times back in the early 
days, my first thought was the same as Shemp's. 
Enough so that I went to their website to check 
'em out. I didn't get far into it, but it appears 
as if only one of them has journeyed to that big 
"Summertime" in the sky. 

Which surprises me, because the scuttlebutt in
the crowd I used to hang with was that the Big
Brother guys were serious meth freaks. WAY gone.
I don't know whether this is true, but I can 
personally attest that They Played Games That
Should Have Been Called On Account Of Drugs. 

WAY gone. 

That said, would I go to see them if I were in
Fairfield? First in line, dude. For me it would
be a kind of weird Reality Check. 

I mean, if these guys I thought were remedial
stoners back during the Summer Of Love while I
thought that *I* had it together turned out 
better than I did, what does that say, eh?

They're still touring, and still making their
livings from music. I bailed from even the 
peripheries of the music scene before the 70's, 
and they're still hangin' in there. Good on them. 

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