On Sun, Mar 7, 2010 at 11:48 AM, ShempMcGurk <shempmcg...@netscape.net>wrote:

> Oh, Goody.  Another War of the Religions spectacle coming our way.
> Time for the evangelical Latino community to come out of the woodwork and
> do their thing.
> Although largely Catholic, evangelicals hold a significant spot in the
> Latin American religious community and they will, of course, look not too
> kindly upon this "encroachment" upon their territory.  Now, I don't know
> much about this latest TM mission in Latin America but as soon as I saw the
> numbers "2,000,000" I can only imagine that some unsuspecting Latin American
> politician or dictator (although there's not too many of those around these
> days in Latin America) decreed some sort of program in conjunction with a
> nutcase Rajah.

Ya beat me to posting this idea.  So let me just add

Hail President Chavez!  Can'tcha see Dr. BM taking Maharishi's place in yet
another honorarium to a tinhorn dictator?

I'm working into my exercise program gradually.  Today I drove by a sporting
goods store.

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