On Mar 9, 2010, at 3:33 AM, cardemaister wrote:

Well, just some random thoughts:

Isn't pitta associated with fire?

I think Agni (Fire) is one of the most important devataa-s
as to (mantra-)meditation. Heck, 'agni' backwards is 'inga', heh...

I seem to recall according to Yoga-kuNDaly-upaniSat, it's some
kind of Fire that wakes up Da Snake (kuNDalii) and causes
it to activate (or whatever) its female shakti, kuNDalinii! :D

BTW, could that be the "heat" produced by brahmacarya?

Just fooling around, those are not meant to be taken
too seriously...

Well there a different levels of "fire", the fire of the stomach or weak bodily acids (pitta) is much grosser than the fire of samadhi or tejas. It's the agni or tejas, the fire of transformation, that's important to yogis, while the fire of pitta is important to vaidyas and "Type A's" :-). It's important not to confuse the levels IMO.

I don't know much about the 'heat of brahmacharya', although abstinence often goes hand in hand with control of sexual energy. Perhaps you remember my old post on the fire of bliss and yogis who ooze seminal fluid when the bliss gets really intense. Some will even ejaculate till they are able to control it. It's that intense.

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