--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_re...@...> wrote:
> http://bigthink.com/ideas/18172
> at about 00:58

To answer the question of this thread: did I ever have this experience in 
India?  Yes, similar ones.

How did it influence me?

I understood it to be what it was: a ruse to separate me from my money by some 
unscrupulous mountebanks.

A little girl of 8 with a baby in her arms?  Does any rational person believe 
for one minute that a parent would allow a child to run in the streets in the 
rain with a younger sibling like that?  No, of course not.  The parent(s) or 
the mastermind were most likely off to the side overseeing the ruse.

After all, this IS India and this sort of thing happens all the time.  I was 
accosted from the moment I stepped foot out of the New Delhi airport to the 
moment a month later when I stepped foot onto the Pan Am 747 that was to bring 
me home.

Along the way I developed the mindset that, a few years later, would bring me 
to cheer the British while watching that silly movie "Gandhi" which, of course, 
provides the answer Raj Patel's question as to who is responsible for the mess 
he experienced in India which is "Gandhi".

Raj Patel, like the demon Noam Chomsky in America, will do whatever he can to 
increase the poverty and starving of the masses in India and around the world.  
India finally has started to get away from the kind of influence Gandhi, 
Chomsky, and Patel would impose upon India when they embraced globalization and 
free markets about 20 years ago.  These horrible people want India to return to 
government control and inefficiency.

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