Ok Sal, I'm going to give it right back to you.   I remember when the
John Edwards mistress, love child story broke. You totally ridiculed me
for buying into it, because the story was broken by, OMG, "The National
Enquirer". As a courtesy to you, because you seemed to be so undone by
it, I conceded that perhaps the mistress part was true, but not the love
child. Of course I was 90% sure that the love child was true too, but I
thought I would let it play out.  And of course it all turned out to be
true, and in true fashion, you never had the courage to own up to it. 
Care to bring up the posts?  I didn't think so.  At the risk of name
calling, I would have to say you have the most unabashed liberal agenda
here, and you take great exception when facts get in the way.  I'm not
sure what has caused you to be this way, but at the risk of becoming the
butt of some of your ridicule, I have often thought to myself that in a
previous life you were Ethel Rosenberg or some similiar personality.

You can pooh pooh reincarnation, but it is pretty evident that you
haven't looked at any of the evidence.  And further, I think you get
called on this same flaw by Judy on a regular basis i.e making
statements without looking a facts, getting called out, and then not
responding.  On the other hand, it is kind of a time honored practice

Why don't you examine why you appear to be so threatened by the concept.
But often it is easier just to hold on to just what we feel comfortable

- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <salsunsh...@...>
> On Mar 13, 2010, at 5:04 PM, lurkernomore20002000 wrote:
> > There are many instances of detailed past lives memories, even in
lives of ordinary people.
> Of course there are--there's also many instances of people
> flying and turning invisible too. The problem is, this never
> seems to happen when impartial observers are around.
> > One I recently overheard on TV involved the child of a down to earth
American couple where the child recalled his life as a WW2 pilot
involved in dog fights. (I think I have that straight)
> And this sounds legit to you because...?
> > There has always been plenty of evidence to support the reality of
past lives,
> Really. Plenty of good, solid evidence based
> on actual proof?
> > but it seems to be something that upsets the status quo, so it
generally goes no where, and really I don't think it even matters.
> I just think most people consider it bullshit.
> But if it makes you feel better to say people
> are "upset" by it, lurk--as if they just *knew*
> it was reality but couldn't bring themselves to
> admit it--why, go right ahead.:)
> Tell me, is the idea of just losing consciousness
> and going back into the great beyond *so*
> terrifying that these fairy stories are really
> necessary? Not that there's anything wrong
> with them, of course...
> Sal

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