In early February, it became one of those intriguing little political
stories that gets 30 seconds at the end of the national evening news.

You might recall that it was then that some enterprising Republican
business owners erected a billboard along I-35 in Minnesota featuring
George W. Bush's grinning visage and three critical words: "Miss Me

Well, according to a new poll conducted by John Zogby on behalf of the
right-wingers over at Newsmax, the answer to that question

  [A billboard along Interstate 35 in...]             Photo by AP-A
billboard along Interstate 35 in
Wyoming, Minn., carries an image of former President
George W. Bush and reads "Miss me yet?".

A new Zogby/Newsmax poll shows President Obama would beat George W. Bush
in a hypothetical match up, 48% to 38%.

Said Zogby: "Despite the turbulent crises that face Barack Obama and the
sense of dashed expectations that Americans, especially independents and
moderates, feel, he still handily defeats George W. Bush in a face-off."\

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