--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@> 
> wrote:
> <snip>
> > If you have decided that some scriptures are not the holy
> > word of God, and therefore, the ideas in that book should
> > be treated like any other human ideas, then you share my
> > exact feelings about the Hindu scriptures.  People can
> > and do believe what they like.  But if you don't believe
> > every religion's scriptures and practice every direct
> > command from their word of God, then you have made the
> > same choices I have.
> Speaking for myself, not exactly. I don't believe any of
> them, but I haven't made the choice to rant

Pejorative characterization. Are you "ranting" about me?

 about how
> "absurd" it is for the folks who do to have "superstitious
> tribal beliefs."

So you think female circumcision should be respected as just another belief 
option?  You don't think any of the beliefs that relate to honor killing among 
tribes in Afghanistan could be characterized this way? 

< I haven't chosen to declare their beliefs
> "bullshit" or "horrific and repugnant"

So you haven't declared it. You still believe that about some of these beliefs, 
don't you? 

< or accuse them of making "absurdly inflated claims.">

So you think it is not absurdly inflated to believe that you know the mind of 
God?  OK good for you, I do.  I also believe that people who claim to know what 
happens after we die are making absurdly inflated claims.  How would you 
characterize people who believe you are going to burn in hell for eternity for 
not believing in Jesus as your personal savior?  Is my characterization to 
harsh?  How you you prefer to characterize the beliefs of people who are 
absolutely sure of that fact?

 I haven't chosen to
> announce that society should "denounce" their beliefs.

You have just made different choices where to focus your attention.  You are 
just as opposed as I am and western society as a whole to the belief that 
blowing yourself up brings an eternal reward. Oh sorry it is the actions, not 
the belief.  It is just fine for them to believe that blowing themselves and 
innocent people makes one a martyr as long as they don't do it themselves? So 
everyone else in that society who condones it are just fine in their precious 
religious beliefs, right?  Their belief is no problem at all.  Same with the 
people who believe women are less than men based on their scriptures, those 
beliefs should not be challenged, right.  We just wait till they beat their 
women and then go after them for the their actions?  And racism is cool as a 
belief too  I suppose as long as they don't act on it. To each his or her own 
when it comes to beliefs?  Wrong to denounce beliefs we think are morally 
repugnant in society?  Not for me.

> don't demean religious people by referring to their
> "special books" and "imaginary friends."

But these are precise description.  They are considered special books from any 
others men have written.  What exactly is your problem with this 
characterizations?  And if you don't believe in any of the versions of God then 
they are just as imaginary for you as they are for me.  Just because you 
haven't posted on this board about your POV doesn't make you superior.  You 
don't believe in them either you just don't speak up about it. Your choice, but 
you can get off your high horse about it.
> Not believing in scripture doesn't automatically lead to
> those choices.

No you can choose other things to focus on to denounce and to discuss that you 
see as injustices or as important to discuss on a spiritual discussion board.  
Including your denunciation of my POV which I have chosen not to characterize 
as a rant.


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