Very ditzy.

From: lurkernomore20002000 <>
Sent: Tue, 23 March, 2010 7:49:29 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama Signs Health Care Reform Into Law


--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, ditzyklanmail carc108@ wrote:
> >
> > Silly myth started from reading HIPPA?
> I think you may be referring to HIPAA, the Health
> Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of
> 1996, but it has nothing to do with the health
> reform bill just passed, so I'm not sure why you
> mention it in this context.
Well, she is ditzy.

> > --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, ditzyklanmail <carc108@ > wrote:
> > >
> > > http://www.ipolitic USA/2929- passage_of_ health_care_ 
> > > irs_your_ medical_records. htm
> > 
> > The above says:
> > 
> > "The only way the IRS can establish whether or not you have
> > the 'big brother' mandated health insurance is to check your
> > medical records!"
> > 
> > Uh, no. Among other approaches, your insurance company
> > would send you a little form verifying your coverage, which
> > you'd then include with your tax return (like a W-2 form).
> > 
> > If you don't send in such a form, the IRS will be in
> > touch, first to offer to help you sign up for insurance,
> > or if you refuse, to send you a bill for the amount of
> > the penalty.
> > 
> > No reason whatsoever for it to involve your medical 
> > records. Can't imagine how that silly myth got started,
> > or why anyone would take it seriously.


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