--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ditzyklanmail <carc...@...> wrote:
> Dear authority friend,
> Thank you very much for the lesson of spelling.  It will be
> a good day when everyone learns the actual use and meaning
> of HIPAA, including myself! Spelling correction is the easy
> part!  LOL.

True enough.

> Privacy rights have a whole lot to do with the health reform.

I read everything you wrote, and I still don't see how
you're connecting medical records with the health reform
bill, sorry. The whole "pulling the plug on Grandma"
thing was a crock from the start, if that's what you're
suggesting. If that's a threat, it's the insurance
companies we need to worry about, not the government.

If you want to try again, making a straightforward case
minus the rhetoric and the poetry, I'm all ears (or eyes).
As far as I can tell from everything I've heard and read,
the new bill won't involve the government having any
greater access to folks' medical records than it has now,
nor any more motivation to investigate them.

> I am sure the plan has been well thought out and testing of the markets have 
> been presented to all those who voted for and against the bill, as it was 
> presented in stages.   I am sure our elected public servants would take care 
> and time to read before passing a remarkable bill such as this one of health 
> reform as they did with the patriot act. 
> As for nervous about medical records, if you have a corn on your foot, or 
> acid reflux,  probably not much to worry about agencies sifting through ones 
> records. Yet, any law enforcement, having access to deemed as "terminally 
> ill,"  patient medical records now get a little harry. For instance, a doctor 
> tells you, you have a few months to live, and you may not have been feeling 
> good for a few years, yet testing did not show anything previous. Your work 
> ability has been slipping with age, too much love and peace celebrations in 
> the 60's and then the 70's disco world start to catch up. Or one went into 
> deep meditation for a few years and gave up your worldly 
> possessions...Whatever the reasons and maybe one of those years you got 
> divorced and lets say you did not keep accounting on your finances or maybe 
> you did and a slight error occurred in your duty to file papers to the 
> government in the way long by past of your youth. Now you sit taking 
> medications to
>  help treat your illness, you can not work much, you don't want to take from 
> disability or food stamps, that is not much living either, your 401k had been 
> shrunk by the falling dollar, your investment in gold options did not quite 
> make a happening....
> Questions your mind may ask yourself...Can I go to a nursing home? Who is 
> going to take care of me? Do my children love me enough to take care of me? 
> How about one of the ex wives? Would they, she be willing to keep me in 
> comfort? As you are questioning these serious issues knowing you are 
> terminally ill, an agency reviews how to collect more money to a deficit 
> system with baby boomer everywhere, getting ill regardless of their 
> lifestyles and needing support, now who is deemed terminal, the agency asks 
> in their beastly head? The beastly head decides to push forward, to get that 
> promotion to the weekend at a Holidome for an awards ceremony and that extra 
> bonus for working really hard collecting money from any assets one may have 
> because the terminally ill rarely work full time and if they do, it is to 
> keep the insurance payment going. But what if, that terminally ill person has 
> remarkable success staying alive? Living past the allotted estimate of the
>  doctor's prognosis on your being? and...the paper machine beast from the 
> collection agency checking to see if "Johnny crossed his "t's" and dotted his 
> "i's"?  and the agency catches up as your health begins to suddenly 
> deteriorate and you have no means to fight this monster of a beast because 
> all of your expenses were for staying alive or for having people take care of 
> you by taking a big chunk of their lives as a sacrifice because they may love 
> you, but the beast doesn't understand this and processes papers to find any 
> asset you may have to live and your health mysteriously takes a turn for the 
> worse or you are not treated for something you may have, as a result of your 
> terminal illness and the risk of life, because you are terminal does not mean 
> much to a collection agency, because they need the money to pay for health 
> care for others to live or keep their pockets lined (having a job). Like 
> jackals, picking from the bones of the terminally ill. The
>  good news is, the beast may just wait to send out that final collection 
> notice just after you pass, so you don't have to be frightened into your next 
> life.
> What was the subject? 

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