Steve, when Obama was elected, I thought it might take about four years to piss 
off enough people to at least take back the WH and at least one branch of 
congress. We may be ahead of schedule to take back one or possibly both 
branches this November. If we don't, two more years will just pound it into the 
minds of those that voted for Obama that "maybe we could have chosen a better 
candidate". It took four years of Jimmy Carter to  create the Reagan 
Revolution. South America? Why would I want to move there? My family has been 
here ten generation, since 1640 in Jamestown Virginia. Oh yeah, I've got lots 
of faith in the American people. When they screw up and see it, they are pretty 
good at fixing things. Voting, of course all law abiding citizens should vote, 
however I think there should a voter ID with photo to prove who you are when 
casting that vote and maybe even at least a high school diploma to show some 
understanding of our system of government and
 economics, it's free. If you're not hearing about the war on terror everyday, 
it's not because we aren't at war, it's because your media choices don't talk 
about it as much so it will look like Obama has solved the problem. We're safe? 
Tell that to the 13 that died at Fort Hood at the hands of a terrorist who 
infiltrated the military or the two army recruiters shot by another terrorist 
in AK. or the people on the flight coming into Detroit that were nearly blown 
up, but no, I'm not upset, it's to be expected these days. I thought the war on 
terror* is* an international  issue. I  also thought Obama was going to get the 
rest of the world to take up their fair share of responsibility in that war. 
Remember that? What bothers me is that we've got a moron *focusing like a  dim 
flash light*on domestic and international issues making things much worse in 
the short and long run. Now Steve,when Obama and his leftist government ARE 
thrown out, will you go
 berserk? Can you go berserk if you already are? 

From: lurkernomore20002000 <>
Sent: Fri, March 26, 2010 5:29:27 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fw: Bullshit Bingo

Come November you can vote the bums out of office Dix. What the HELL are you 
going to do if that doesn't happen. Maybe you should move to South America. Do 
you have faith in the American people, or only when they vote your way? Should 
the American people even have the right to vote? Maybe they can't be trusted 
with a ballot. Are you upset that the country has been safe, even though we 
don't hear about the "War on Terror" everyday. Does it bother you that we have 
a president who is focussing on domestic, and international issues, and not 
spending 80% of his time on the "War on Terror". And the fact that he lets the 
military prosecute our conflicts in the way they see best, and not having the 
president, vice president and secretary of defense trying to call all the 
shots. Or would it serve your purposes if the country was attacked. How bout it 
Dix? What's the scoop?. Which is better? And what's your take on the American 
people Dix? Is their judgment to be
 trusted, or not. God, you better hope that in November they vote your way. You 
may just go beserk if they don't.

--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon <mdixon.6569@ ...> wrote:
> Bullshit  Bingo
> 1. Before  Barrack Obama's next televised speech, prepare your "Bullshit 
> Bingo" card by drawing a square -- I find that 5" x 5" is a good size --  and 
> dividing it into columns -- five across and five down.  That will give you 
> 25  1-inch blocks.
> 2. Write one of the following words/phrases in each block:
>   ·        Restored our reputation
>   ·        Strategic fit  
>   ·        Let me be clear
>   ·        Make no mistake
>   ·        Back from the brink
>   ·        Signs of  recovery
>   ·        Out of the loop  
>   ·        Benchmark  
>   ·        Job creation
>   ·        Fiscal  restraint
>   ·        Win-win 
>   ·        Affordable health care
>   ·        Previous  Administration
>   ·        Empower (or empowerment)  
>   ·        Greed on Wall  Street
>   ·        At the end of the day
>   ·        "The former administration"   
>   ·        Touch base  
>   ·        Mindset 
>   ·        Corporate greed  
>   ·        Ballpark  
>   ·        Game plan  
>   ·        Leverage  
>   ·        Inheritedas in "I inherited this  mess”
>   ·        Relief for working families
> 3. During Obama's speech, check off the appropriate block when you hear one 
> of those words/phrases.
> 4. When you get five blocks horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, stand up 
> and shout "BULLSHIT!"
> Testimonials from past satisfied "Bullshit Bingo"  players:
> "I had been listening to the speech for only five minutes when I won." - Jack 
> W., Boston
> "My attention span during speeches has improved dramatically. " - David D., 
> Florida
> "What a gas!  Speeches will never be the same for me after my first win." - 
> Bill R., New York City
> “The atmosphere was tense in the last speech as 14 of us waited for the fifth 
> box." - Ben G., Denver
> "The speaker was stunned as eight of us screamed "BULLSHIT!" for the third 
> time in two hours." - Harry A, Charleston
> This is really a terrific game.  You and all of your unemployed friends can 
> share those special moments at family get-togethers, religious or government 
> holidays and even at month's end when your application for food stamps was 
> denied again because you earn over $14,000 annually. Remember to include all 
> of the kids in the fun.  It's a great way for them to learn about the future 
> that this administration is creating for them while they are still young and 
> can't apply for handgun permits yet to protect themselves from upcoming food 
> riots.


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