My apologies to Dix and his math - 10 generations in America since 1640 is  
accurate. I misquoted my family's generations in America since the 1630s as 30 
generations. The correct number is 13.  I'm sorry for questioning your math, 

--- In, "mainstream20016" <mainstream20...@...> 
> Hey, Dix,
>                 Check your math regarding 10 generations of your family in 
> America since 1640.
> About 30 generations of my family have been born in America, beginning in 
> 1637. 
> By the way, in 2000 the U.S. was in great shape, until G.W. Bush and the far 
> right took total control of all aspects of our government.  They ruined the 
> country.  
> Barack Obama is extraordinary.  This Patriot loves him.  
> - Mainstream         
> --- In, Mike Dixon <mdixon.6569@> wrote:
> >
> > Steve, when Obama was elected, I thought it might take about four years to 
> > piss off enough people to at least take back the WH and at least one branch 
> > of congress. We may be ahead of schedule to take back one or possibly both 
> > branches this November. If we don't, two more years will just pound it into 
> > the minds of those that voted for Obama that "maybe we could have chosen a 
> > better candidate". It took four years of Jimmy Carter to  create the 
> > Reagan Revolution. South America? Why would I want to move there? My family 
> > has been here ten generation, since 1640 in Jamestown Virginia. Oh yeah, 
> > I've got lots of faith in the American people. When they screw up and see 
> > it, they are pretty good at fixing things. Voting, of course all law 
> > abiding citizens should vote, however I think there should a voter ID with 
> > photo to prove who you are when casting that vote and maybe even at least a 
> > high school diploma to show some understanding of our system of government 
> > and
> >  economics, it's free. If you're not hearing about the war on terror 
> > everyday, it's not because we aren't at war, it's because your media 
> > choices don't talk about it as much so it will look like Obama has solved 
> > the problem. We're safe? Tell that to the 13 that died at Fort Hood at the 
> > hands of a terrorist who infiltrated the military or the two army 
> > recruiters shot by another terrorist in AK. or the people on the flight 
> > coming into Detroit that were nearly blown up, but no, I'm not upset, it's 
> > to be expected these days. I thought the war on terror* is* an 
> > international  issue. I  also thought Obama was going to get the rest of 
> > the world to take up their fair share of responsibility in that war. 
> > Remember that? What bothers me is that we've got a moron *focusing like 
> > a  dim flash light*on domestic and international issues making things much 
> > worse in the short and long run. Now Steve,when Obama and his leftist 
> > government ARE thrown out, will you go
> >  berserk? Can you go berserk if you already are? 
> > 
> > . 
> > ________________________________
> > From: lurkernomore20002000 <steve.sundur@>
> > To:
> > Sent: Fri, March 26, 2010 5:29:27 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fw: Bullshit Bingo
> > 
> >   
> > Come November you can vote the bums out of office Dix. What the HELL are 
> > you going to do if that doesn't happen. Maybe you should move to South 
> > America. Do you have faith in the American people, or only when they vote 
> > your way? Should the American people even have the right to vote? Maybe 
> > they can't be trusted with a ballot. Are you upset that the country has 
> > been safe, even though we don't hear about the "War on Terror" everyday. 
> > Does it bother you that we have a president who is focussing on domestic, 
> > and international issues, and not spending 80% of his time on the "War on 
> > Terror". And the fact that he lets the military prosecute our conflicts in 
> > the way they see best, and not having the president, vice president and 
> > secretary of defense trying to call all the shots. Or would it serve your 
> > purposes if the country was attacked. How bout it Dix? What's the scoop?. 
> > Which is better? And what's your take on the American people Dix? Is their 
> > judgment to be
> >  trusted, or not. God, you better hope that in November they vote your way. 
> > You may just go beserk if they don't.
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon <mdixon.6569@ ...> wrote:
> > >
> > > Bullshit  Bingo
> > > 
> > > 1. Before  Barrack Obama's next televised speech, prepare your 
> > > "Bullshit Bingo" card by drawing a square -- I find that 5" x 5" is a 
> > > good size --  and dividing it into columns -- five across and five 
> > > down.  That will give you 25  1-inch blocks.
> > > 
> > > 2. Write one of the following words/phrases in each block:
> > > 
> > >   ·        Restored our reputation
> > >   ·        Strategic fit  
> > >   ·        Let me be clear
> > >   ·        Make no mistake
> > >   ·        Back from the brink
> > >   ·        Signs of  recovery
> > >   ·        Out of the loop  
> > >   ·        Benchmark  
> > >   ·        Job creation
> > >   ·        Fiscal  restraint
> > >   ·        Win-win 
> > >   ·        Affordable health care
> > >   ·        Previous  Administration
> > >   ·        Empower (or empowerment)  
> > >   ·        Greed on Wall  Street
> > >   ·        At the end of the day
> > >   ·        "The former administration"   
> > >   ·        Touch base  
> > >   ·        Mindset 
> > >   ·        Corporate greed  
> > >   ·        Ballpark  
> > >   ·        Game plan  
> > >   ·        Leverage  
> > >   ·        Inheritedas in "I inherited this  mess”
> > >   ·        Relief for working families
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 3. During Obama's speech, check off the appropriate block when you hear 
> > > one of those words/phrases.
> > > 
> > > 4. When you get five blocks horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, 
> > > stand up and shout "BULLSHIT!"
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Testimonials from past satisfied "Bullshit Bingo"  players:
> > > 
> > > "I had been listening to the speech for only five minutes when I won." - 
> > > Jack W., Boston
> > > 
> > > "My attention span during speeches has improved dramatically. " - David 
> > > D., Florida
> > > 
> > > "What a gas!  Speeches will never be the same for me after my first 
> > > win." - Bill R., New York City
> > > 
> > > “The atmosphere was tense in the last speech as 14 of us waited for the 
> > > fifth box." - Ben G., Denver
> > > 
> > > "The speaker was stunned as eight of us screamed "BULLSHIT!" for the 
> > > third time in two hours." - Harry A, Charleston
> > > 
> > > 
> > > This is really a terrific game.  You and all of your unemployed friends 
> > > can share those special moments at family get-togethers, religious or 
> > > government holidays and even at month's end when your application for 
> > > food stamps was denied again because you earn over $14,000 annually. 
> > > Remember to include all of the kids in the fun.  It's a great way for 
> > > them to learn about the future that this administration is creating for 
> > > them while they are still young and can't apply for handgun permits yet 
> > > to protect themselves from upcoming food riots.
> > >
> >

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