They are not they as they say who they are or who they be!

From: do.rflex <>
Sent: Mon, 29 March, 2010 5:30:21 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] The Right: Constantly On The Wrong Side Of History


The Right: Constantly On The Wrong Side Of History

by David Mixner

       The time has come for the American right wing to pack it up, stop
its hatred and end its disruption of American society. They have proven
time and time again that they are almost always on the wrong side of
history. Let's give them some expensive luggage with RNC monogrammed on
it and send them into the sunset. Time to end the 'lock and load'
mentality, lawmakers who have 'targets' semi-imposed over their faces
and the new code word for racism and homophobia of "We want our country
back." Back to where and to whom? 
The extreme right record of utter and total failure to stop
the march to progress is the reason we should not have to bear their
craziness anymore. 

The record is numbingly clear: 

They were wrong about
Social Security. 

They were wrong on integrating the military forces
under President Truman. 

They were wrong about McCarthyism in the early

They were wrong about passing civil rights legislation in the

They were wrong on Medicare. 

They were wrong about women

They were wrong about 'trickle down economics.' 

They were wrong
about tax breaks for the rich. 

They were wrong about the war in Iraq. 

They were wrong about climate change. 

They were wrong about LGBT rights
and they are wrong about healthcare reform. 
- - Can you imagine our world if they had been successful in
stopping any of the forces for change above? 

We would have a world with
our seniors poor and unable to have healthcare. 

We would have
African-Americans unable to vote. 

We would see women relegated to being
housewives and not leading our nation. 

All homosexuals would still be
in the closet with many having lobotomies, committing suicide and being

The world has become and is still becoming a better place
because of progressive legislation and ignoring the calls, shouts and
anger to protect the narrow-minded status quo. 
Fact is, they can't have their country back. Their country is
moving forward into a greatness with a richly diverse and exciting
population. Their country is still a place that still believes
individual freedom and equality for all its people no matter if they
are popular or not. 

As Frank Rich pointed out in his column this week
in the New York Times,
their country now has an African-American President, a woman as Speaker
of the House, a Hispanic on the Supreme Court and a gay man as head of
the Banking Committee in the House. Those who seek to end this march
into the 21st century simply can't turn back the tides of time. 
All they can do is make us more divided, pay a higher price to
protect the people of this nation, fill the air with anger and make the
march of progress a heavier burden. Time for them to realize that for
the last 100 years they have been on the wrong side of history. 

I say
to them: Give it up and enjoy your new healthcare and make sure your
children are at last getting adequate care. I am willing to bet that in
five years every single mindlessly angry voice will be using this new
healthcare system and many of them will be saved economically by it. 

Progress is good. Generosity is appreciated. Intelligence is revered.
Get used to it.
http://www.davidmix 03/the-right- constantly- on-the-wrong- 
side-of-history. html#more


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