--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltabl...@...> 
> -- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> > Yep unitary is my experience.  I feel sorry in a human way for Shirmer, Sam 
> > Harris, Gina, Curtis and Turqs, the doubting Thomas' full with lots of 
> > opinion, and denial, that It is not more of their experience too.  They 
> > wrestle working so & bad at denial, they are pitiable.
> Well if being condescending makes you feel better about yourself...
> You seem to have a pretty strong opinion yourself about my subjective 
> experience.  And you are denying my insights about knowledge and doubting my 
> POV just as I am yours. I have no need for your pity, I love my life and 
> enjoy questioning statements like this:
> "Yep unitary is my experience."
> In what sense?  There are ways of understanding that which match my 
> experience of my individual life's connection to the rest of life. I have my 
> share of mystical union with everything awareness. We may just be 
> interpreting this experience differently since I don't view guys like 
> Maharishi as experts in what this means.
> You are proposing this insight as if you are on a superior level.  Why do you 
> make such an assumption?  Perhaps you are describing a state of mind with 
> religious terms that I find quite ordinary in my own experience.  Perhaps 
> what you are making such a big fuss about and trying to use as a put-down is 
> just another way to express being human, no more or less than the ways I 
> choose.
> Maybe the specialness you are grasping at with such expressions is really an 
> insecurity about just being another human on the same level as all other 
> humans.  In your idea of experiencing unity you behave like a sorority 
> debutant trying to create artificial distinctions between you and me.  Your 
> pride in your beliefs reminds me of every other super religious person I have 
> talked to.  The terms change but the "I am special and superior" surety 
> remains the same.
> I don't pity you Doug.  I just disagree with your claim of special insight 
> into how life works.  I don't believe you, or Maharishi for that matter, has 
> life all figured out.  
> If you are enjoying your POV, fine. But you don't have to be a dick about it.
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > IMO, one of the best "proofs" of the fact that individual
> > > consciousness is subjective experience of some quantum
> > > mechanical (or possibly "deeper") phenomena is that Erwin thought so?
> > > 
> > > Wiki:
> > > 
> > > Schrödinger stayed in Dublin until retiring in 1955. (snip for brevity) 
> > > He had a life-long interest in the Vedanta philosophy of Hinduism, which 
> > > influenced his speculations at the close of What is Life? about the 
> > > possibility that individual consciousness  is only a manifestation of a 
> > > unitary consciousness pervading the universe.[7]
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > A 'possibility'.  Offered like a tru scientist to the end. That is funny.  
> > 
> > Yep unitary is my experience.  I feel sorry in a human way for Shirmer, Sam 
> > Harris, Gina, Curtis and Turqs, the doubting Thomas' full with lots of 
> > opinion, and denial, that It is not more of their experience too.  They 
> > wrestle working so & bad at denial, they are pitiable.
> > 
> > Have a nice day,
> > 
> > -Buck
> >

Yes, pitiable indeed.
Om, 'Forgive them father, for they know not what they are doing'.  Ignorant in 
spiritual experience they are lost in their contending mentation.  An one, he 
even traded his immortal soul for a guitar.  Consider the source.  These people 
are like modern day pharisee.  Is an apt metaphor & is pitiable for their 
manifest lack of deeper spiritual experience, as an old story.  Dim bulbs, 
absent of light to see by.  

Have a Good Friday,

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