--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "allanrosenzweig"
<allanrosenzw...@...> wrote:
> Self-correction.  The geographic center of the United States is in
> South Dakota.  That's where the center of American rocks and soil
> are.
> If we care where the center of the people are, the minds and soul
> of AmeAmerica, that is just about 176 miles south of Fairfield
> Iowa.  That's pretty close, within 1% of the center.

If one were really looking for the "mind and soul of
America," the Brahmastan should be located in the TV
studios where "American Idol" is filmed. That's where
people with a minimum of talent or worth compete for a
maximum of money and fame. What could possibly *be*
more the "mind and soul of America?"  :-)

Just a joke. Don't have a cow, man.

But at the same time, why do people keep bandying about
the concept of the "geographical center of a country"
as if it were a meaningful concept? It's a fiction, and
a bad one. Even Dan Brown wouldn't write such a concept
into *his* fiction, and that's saying a lot. In almost
every country of the world, the "geographical center"
is in the Middle Of Downtown Buttfuck, Nowhere, where no
one lives, and from which no discernible influence ever
emanates. What ever made Maharishi believe that some
kind of powerful Woo Woo would emanate from there?

I mean, this concept is more "out there" in many ways
than "flying" and the tenuous-at-the-extreme parallels
drawn between quantum mechanics and consciousness. And
no one ever seems to question it. Go figure.

BA Meeting Dialogue from the Brahmastan:

Newb: Hi. My name is Bubba, and I'm a Blissoholic.

Group: Hi, Bubba.

Newb: I'm happy to be here today and to be receiving
my One Month Sober token.

Group: Good for you, Bubba.

Newb: But I am having a little trouble with the BA
guidelines and how they affect my previous conditioning.
I mean, my previous dogmaset taught me that I was really
IMPORTANT because I lived here in Buttfuck Nowhere.
As crazy as that sounds, there was a "payoff" in that belief.
I got to believe that *my* actions and *my* thoughts had
more effect on the world and the state of that world's
consciousness and everyday things like weather and wars
and shit, and that they were more *powerful* and more
*meaningful*  because I lived here in Buttfuck, Nowhere.
Since joining BA, I've been told that this is pure, con-man
tripe -- ego-boosting hooey told to me to keep my payments
coming in to the TMO.

Group: Yes, Bubba, it was.

Newb: Buh...buh...but...my previous dogmaset taught me
that I was IMPORTANT. I was one of the Most
Important People On The Planet, *just* because of where
I lived and what I believed. So where's the PAYOFF in
believing instead that I'm just another peon, and Just
Like Everyone Else?

Group: The new dogma is based in reality, Bubba. Not
your fantasies of self-importance.

Newb: Oh, yeah. Thanks. I guess that's why these meetings
are important in the recovery process.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000"
<steve.sundur@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "allanrosenzweig"
> > <allanrosenzweig@> wrote:
> > >
> > > According to http://brahmastan.us
> > > it is not even the center of the United States,
> > > unless you discount Alaska and Hawaii,
> > > which would put the center in North Dakota.
> > >
> > > It is a waste of money when they need money for Maharishi
> > > School in Fairfield.
> >
> > Talk to us Allan.  Give us more than a drive by.
> >

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