--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > But the really malign ones do perfectly ghastly damage
> > and cause horrific suffering before they fail, so the
> > fact that they're ultimately self-limited by their egos
> > doesn't solve the problem. You just wanna make them stop
> > NOW.
> Ahem. *YOU* might want to make them stop now. 
> I do not have such fantasies, or dream of having
> those kinds of siddhis.
> I see believing that you (even theoretically) 
> have the right to decide who is good and who is 
> evil and who is "malign" and who is the potential
> ideal citizen of society as essentially no different
> than Dick Cheney or Joseph Stalin or Mao Tse-Tung
> or any tyrant in history doing so. 
> It's a slippery slope, even theoretically. IMO, 
> the moment anyone thinks "Something should be done 
> about these malign people I don't like," they have
> BECOME one of those malign people themselves.
> Just my opinion. So shoot me. With a death ray. :-)

All Barry's various pontifications on this topic
today should be seen in light of the following
from him back in December:

"If the worst fears of AGW believers come true, I
hope that those delegates from the U.S., from Japan,
from China, and from other industrialized nations
that kept real emission reduction from being even
*discussed* at this summit are the first to be
dragged out of their homes into the streets and
staked out on a beach somewhere, there to await
the 'rising tide.'"


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