> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > > You really didn't need to impute your own creep-out
> > > > > to the priest, as if he feels the same way you do but
> > > > > *enjoys* it.
> > > > 
> > > > And you really didn't need to prove to me that you missed
> > > > the point of why I wrote it that way, I assumed as much.
> > > 
> > > No, Curtis, I didn't miss it:
> > > 
> > > > I have often said that one of the key effects of practicing
> > > > TM is increased suggestibility. I'll bet he can real FEEL
> > > > the bread and wine becoming the body and blood of Jesus.
> > > > Not metaphorically like the Protestants believe, but
> > > > actually transmutating (their word) into the actual body
> > > > and blood of their savior. TM makes the act of cannibalism
> > > > so much more vivid, more real I'm sure.
> > > 
> > > You may wish you hadn't written it that way, but it's
> > > too late now.
> > 
> > Why would I wish that?  Your attempt to be offended on
> > behalf of some priest has nothing to do with me and why
> > I wrote it that way.
> Of course it does. You're always free to decline to take
> responsibility for what you wrote, however; that wouldn't
> surprise me any.

"take responsibility for what I wrote"?  What kind of shaming fantasy are you 
caught up in?  Your attempt to put me on the defense about my post isn't going 
to work, I'm not buying into your routine.

> It's funny, because it seems to be just fine for you to
> be offended on behalf of all kinds of people. I recall
> when you became deeply offended on Ruth's behalf because
> you thought I'd suggested she was nuts, and on Barry's
> behalf because you didn't think he'd made a death threat.
> I could come up with lots of other examples, including
> people you don't know personally.
> But somehow when you're the offender, it doesn't work
> the same way.

This may help, they are actual people who I communicate with.  You are 
pretending to be offended on behalf of imaginary people in your own head.  I 
spoke up for them (the real people) for specific things you said about THEM 
that I thought were wrong.  You are just running your usual "how can I turn 
this post into something shameful. Is there any person I can imagine who might 
be offended by something? Oh I know, I'll be offended on behalf of imaginary 
priests who don't post here."




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