--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Right, just like you speak up for me when other people
> > > say specific things that you know are wrong.
> > 
> > I choose my battles and so do you. 
> I suppose an alternative is passive resistance. No provoking of 
> battles. No eye for an eye. No participation in evil (as Ghandi, 
> MLK or someone said). 
> Not responding to someones "extremeties" is a powerful approach 
> to life.

As THE CORRECTOR herself pointed out, that ignores
psychopaths like Hitler and...uh...herself.

They are just NOT going to stop trying to provoke
confrontation, because in their minds they only
*exist* when in confrontation with someone who 
represents an "opposing view."

So as much as I'd like to agree with your idealist,
near-Buddhist idea of "turning the other cybercheek"
and just ignoring the provocations (as I and most
others have done with Willytex), there are times 
when an alternative quaid-pacifist action is to just
Make Fun Of The Psychopaths, and then sit back and
watch what happens. 

"Ignoring" the Inquisitors of the world, those who
*get off* on shaming and use it to advance their 
own egos, Just Doesn't Work IMO. That only gets your 
ass tied to a stake with flames under your feel. 
Poking Fun at the Inquisitor, and going to the 
flames while leaving the audience laughing more 
at the Inquisitors than at the heretics often has 
a more benevolent effect, given the perspective 
of history.

I have chosen not to "go there" when THE CORRECTOR
tries her damnedest to suck me into one of her 
endless nitpicking egobattles. I prefer "drive bys," 
in which I just comment on her tactics, and allow 
her to react or not, depending on the fragility of 
her ego. In my favor when employing this strategy 
is that her ego is so fragile she really *can't* 
not react. 

But these days I tend to use this strategy in moder-
ation, poking and prodding her ego only when it 
shows indications of getting out of control again 
and forgetting its place. 

"Its place" is that of Just Another Voice On FFL.

THE CORRECTOR doesn't *like* that place. She would
prefer that she were given a "higher" place in the
"FFL ratings," as if the things she says were somehow
more important or more valid than the things that
Curtis says, or that I say, or that do.rflex says,
or that Ruth says, or that Vaj says, or that *anyone*
else here says. 

She considers that "just." I consider it not only
spiritual elitism, but in her case near-psychosis.
Thus I will continue to poke and prod from time to
time, while refusing to get sucked into "defending"
my poking and prodding the way she wants me to.

So shoot me. 

I and Curtis and very few others here are unique in
my opinion in having *nothing that we represent*. 
WSIWYG. What you see is what you get. 

We are not affiliated with *any* spiritual movement
or spiritual dogma or traditions. We're loners.

No matter how much Nabby or Willytex or even THE
CORRECTOR tries to associate us with some POV or
tradition or "group," that's not us. We're just
who we are, speaking freely.

Curtis (to his credit, and I respect him for this)
likes to interact with other people and try to find
some common denominator with them, no matter how
psychotic they may be. I am less evolved, and less

Call me a Buddhist "colored by" decades in the 
martial arts. Call me a peace-loving hippie 
"colored by" decades of seeing that loving peace 
doth not create it. Call me an asshole. (I'd be 
most comfortable with "asshole," thank you.) I 
don't really much give a fuck.

I will comment here on Fairfield Life the way I
fuckin' *want to*. I got over doing what other 
people wanted me to do or expected me to do or
tried to "guilt" or "shame" me into doing some
time ago. 

I applaud your idealism. I even sometimes wish I
still shared it. I do not. Some things on this
planet deserve to be poked fun at and prodded, if
for no other reason than to "puncture their pomp-
osity" and reveal them as the thin, balloon-skinned
bags of hot air they really are. 

I do not shirk from being the "prick" in this
scenario. Actually, I kinda enjoy it.  :-)

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