In India there is a Cap on the bonuses for the board of directors.  It 
cannot be more than 10% percent of the total profits made that year.

        Is there any percentage Cap or Ceiling in the US.?

--- On Mon, 4/19/10, TurquoiseB <> wrote:
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Political slogan FAIL
Date: Monday, April 19, 2010, 6:00 AM

Given recent stories about Goldman Sachs and its leaders'
inappropriate and possibly illegal behavior:

http://www.nytimes. com/2010/ 04/19/business/ 19goldman. html?hp

and even more outrageous stories of it paying out 5 *billion*
dollars in pay and bonuses to its employees for three months'

http://www.huffingt 2010/04/18/ goldman-sachs- bonuses-ban_ 
n_542006. html

I think that the oft-tossed-around buzzphrase "Too big to fail"
followed by a period as if were actually true needs to be 
changed to "TOO BIG TO JAIL," followed by a question mark.

I think that the only fitting karma for bankers who have 
considered the fast-growing prison-building industry as 
a safe and stable investment is for them to spend some time
taking advantage of it. 



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