--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_reply@ wrote:
> >
> > To me, its a fascinating illustration of projection manifesting -- a
sort of mystical placebo effect. If one believes a relic or symbol (or
for that matter practice, posture or pranayam -- or hug, darshan, or
saintly attention, or wafer/wine, incense and flowers, murtis and icons,
herbs and incantations) is "blessed" and real, then regardless of its
actual status, it can create the expected effect for the individual.
> >
> > Turquoise's Barry's brother saw white light -- perhaps a poetic
description o his feeling -- perhaps actual white light shone for him.
> > Yet given the the below discussion, it would appear the dose is not
the real thing, but rather a mystical placebo.
> >
> > I can relate. I have taken mundane objects and "santified" them in
my mind -- and used a focus for appreciating nature and the universe --
and I walk away with a cleansed, uplifted, expanded state.
> >
> > Of course maybe my mundane object starting point was not mundane at
all -- but holy and sacred as everything. Perhaps the entire universe
and all of its contents is holy and sacred and worthy of respect and
reverance. Each step is on holy land, each heart a sacred heart. Even if
that is a placebo, it is a grand and magnificent one.
> >
> > Or perhaps, reflecting recent posts, there actually is that intense
self-referral Love bending back into itself, self sufficient and blazing
at the core of everything -- loving each particle of creation far more
intensely than we might love back. Then reverence and appreciation of
the sacred is not placebo, but a gateway to appreciating reality -- and
a process that invokes a real response from the universe -- or that
"piece of it"
> >
> > However, if the part is in the whole and the whole is in the part,
this holographic type structure would imply reverence for the part
brings a response -- "blessings" in mystical terms, from the Whole. And
reverence for the Whole may bring concentrated blessings to a singular
part in our gaze or vicinity.
> An odd but intriguing side thought: What if each of is an icon used
for worship by others in he cosmos. Devas, cells, existence itself. Fits
into the intense love the universe has for you -- idea / placebo /
fantasy / delusion. And that by pour blessings on you in their offerings
and santification of the "idol" He-Bajrangi-Bali-Hanuman
1269>    http://tinyurl.com/y26kwr7 <http://tinyurl.com/y26kwr7>    God
http://tinyurl.com/y4e93dj <http://tinyurl.com/y4e93dj>
        -- they purify and enliven we -- the stone murtis -- upon which
they put their loving attention.  We of stone become walk, talking
enlivened divinity.  
http://tinyurl.com/y63z6ef <http://tinyurl.com/y63z6ef>     
> I suppose this genre could be termed Spiritual Fiction -- akin to
Science Fiction. The latter has its value in pondering progress and
technological change, ethics and all. SpiFi i guess could also have
similar value -- in exploring mystic theses, gut feelings, intuitions
and simply speculation about the underlying realities of life and the
> The counter part to trekkie conventions -- hmmm maybe -- Burning Man
with shades of Fuiggi and Amma-thons. (And of course a dash of he latter
years' Dead Head concerts.)
> > Then again it may be as delusional and temporary as a coke-head
believing they are king of the world -- their momentary state being so
grand. But I say, if one is going to be deluded, do it in a vast and
magnificent way. Go for the gold. Let the universe be a blazing inferno
of self-referral intense Love, where the part is the Whole and the Whole
is the part.  do not mind the kind of earthly mockery above BEAUTIFUL
WRITTEN     Its not a crazy as thinking a larger granite counter top in
ones kitchen will actually bring sustained happiness. (Though per my
thesis, the granite counter top could be the placebo that opens up the
blazing love of the universe to Ashley an Biff in the upscale
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hugo" <fintlewoodlewix@>
> > > <snip>
> > > > The most recent findings I know of are that the face is
> > > > identical to one of Leonardo's drawings that he made of
> > > > a cadaver he was studying in one of his pursuits of
> > > > understanding how the body really worked. Facial recognition
> > > > software apparently matches them perfectly.
> > > >
> > > > Also the head is too small for the body and the picture
> > > > is bigger at the front than the back, meaning that when
> > > > the exposure was made (it really appears to be a photograph)
> > > > they did the front and back seperately and got the wrong
> > > > distance from the camera obscura in one of them.
> > > >
> > > > The most obvious error to me is that it looks like a photo
> > > > and not like the image would if it had been draped over some-
> > > > ones head. That would've stretched it and he'd end up looking
> > > > like an alien - which might start a whole new conspiracy!
> > > >
> > > > I saw these guys do a lecture on it that became a docmentary
> > > > that I can't find a link to:
> > > >
> > > > http://www.picknettprince.com/books/turinshroud/turin.htm
> > >
> > > Fascinating. They say the Shroud image is a perfect
> > > match with a Leonardo painting of Christ, "Salvator
> > > Mundi" (minus the moustache and beard). They have
> > > links to two very impressive .wmv videos; the first
> > > juxtaposes the painting with the Shroud image, the
> > > second juxtaposes the Leonardo painting to another
> > > painting somebody else made from a negative image of
> > > the Shroud. Worth a look.
> > >
> > > Turin Shroud to Salvator Mundi:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > http://tinyurl.com/y4tsza5
> > >
> > > Aggemian's Shroud Portrait to Salvator Mundi:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > http://tinyurl.com/y5pcz5t
> > >
> > > > They are very convincing and have left the ball in the court
> > > > of the believers to disprove them. I think it will run and run
> > > > at least until it gets handed over to science so they can do a
> > > > better job of testing it than they did last time.
> > >
> > > Hard to see how the similarity between the Shroud
> > > image and the paintings could be explained otherwise.
> > > Maybe scientific evidence dating the Shroud isn't even
> > > required.
> > >
> >

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