On Apr 26, 2010, at 3:48 PM, WillyTex wrote:

> > > So, why would a guy like the Maharishi, who could
> > > have women at any time since 1956, who had been 
> > > celibate for sixty years, go off on a orgy of sex 
> > > with young women for one year, and then not engage in
> > > sexual relations for the next fifty years? 
> > >
> lurk:
> > I'm not sure if I get the time table, but I think it 
> > is a good point... 
> >
> Unless you might consider that the Maharishi was a 
> 'Tantric Yogi', and maybe the Trungpa, the Sogyal, and 
> the Prakash, were Tantics too. But, unlike the Tantras, 
> you'd not want to be having sexual relations with 
> someone underage, right? 
> There seem to be at least three respondents on this 
> forum, maybe more, that make various claims to being 
> Tantric Yogis, of one sort or another. So, I wonder why 
> some people put the Maharishi up on a pedestal? And 
> ignore their own sexual proclivites. 
> Aren't they spiritual teachers, just like the Maharishi, 
> Trungpa, the Sogyal, and the Prakash. Or, are all of 
> these informants just normal men and women with ordinary 
> sexual appetites? What makes it wrong for one person, 
> to engage, and not for the others? Haven't all the 
> respondents on FFL been acting, at some time or another, 
> like Tantrics? What is a Tantric anyway? 

Certainly not a Lecherishi.

MAHARISHI: I am a single person. I'm a Purusha. I'm a -- what do you call it -- 
Sannyasi, if you understand the word. I'm a monk, if you understand it...

LARRY KING: You're a bachelor.

MAHARISHI: ... monk.

KING: Do you have special diets that you eat?

MAHARISHI: I think that diet that I eat, everyone eats the same thing -- some 
rice, some dal, some chapatis, something vegetables. But I like this organic, 
organic. I recommend to people organic agriculture -- Vedic organic 
agriculture. Huge amount of scientific research has shown that with the Vedic 
hymns, with the Vedic melodies, the nutrients grow in the trees very much in 
the fruits, in the crops, in the vegetables.

 May 12, 2002

A Young mother who became a top disciple of the Beatles' former guru, Maharishi 
Mahesh Yogi, claims he seduced her -- although he professes to be a celibate 
monk. After travelling to India to join the Transcendental Meditation movement, 
Mrs Linda Pearce says she fell completely under the Maharishi's spell. And then 
into his bed. "I was a virgin and knew nothing about sex," said 34-year-old Mrs 
Pearce. "He said he loved me and that I was the only one. 'You make my life so 
good,' he told me. "When I asked about his celibacy he said: 'There are 
exceptions to every rule.' He was a brilliant manipulator. I just couldn't see 
that he was a dirty old man. We made love regularly. And I don't think I was 
the only girl. At one stage I thought I was pregnant by him."

- Sexy romps of the Beatle's giggling guru

'I gave my mind to the Maharishi and he took my body' 

News of the World, UK/August 23, 1981 
By David Mertens

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