I have been told that one of my ancestors, back in the
1700s, was a slaver who abducted people from Africa and
put them on his ships bound for the New World, where
they were sold into slavery for a profit.

Sounds as if I'm genetically qualified for the job.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_re...@...>
>  <http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo>           Position availble in
> Spain for The Turq: Become a national coordinator to raise funds for
> Vedic Pandits in India   <http://www.facebook.com/shaas.ruzicka>
> Become a national coordinator to raise funds for Vedic Pandits in
> Share
> 1348046669&p[]=386134447335>   Today at 2:22pm  National Initiative to
> Support 8,000 Maharishi Vedic Pandits
> Would you be interested in becoming the national coordinator for your
> country to raise funds amongst our Meditator family for the Maharishi
> Vedic Pandits in India ?
> http://www.vedicpandits.org/ <http://www.vedicpandits.org/>
> Among other important fund-raising endeavors, including the wonderful
> work of Dr. Howard Settle, a new initiative is being implemented at
> national level to approach, inform and inspire all active Meditators,
> Sidhas and Governors to support our Vedic Pandits. The approach is
> modeled on the great success and well-proven techniques used in Great
> Britain .
> The successful experience in Great Britain :
> • 3.75 million GB Pounds (5.75 million USD) has been raised from
> donors over 8 years
> • In the `80s when they started, 250,000 GBP ($380,570) was
> raised in one week
> • Currently they receive $15,000 per month from 400 donors
> When Maharishi heard of the great success of this approach used in
> Britain , he was delighted and said that every Meditator … should
> give something to the Vedic Pandits every month…..
> 447335&aid=-1&auser=0&oid=386134447335&id=1348046669>
> Your role as the national coordinator would be very blissful and easy.
> You only have to inspire our meditating family at special events such
> coherence days, centre evenings and residence courses to give some
> monthly donation (whatever is comfortable for them) to support the
> Pandits in India. There will be a financial compensation to cover your
> time and expenses when functioning as a national coordinator (unless
> feel to offer your services for free). At a weekend seminar in Vlodrop
> (or online), you will gain all the expertise to successfully raise
> funds.
> 447335&aid=-1&auser=0&oid=386134447335&id=1348046669>
> Only collectively can we create Heaven on Earth. The powerful
> performance of the Maharishi Vedic Pandits and the establishment of a
> group of 8,000 Vedic Pandits in the Brahmasthan of India will hasten
> this goal and will ensure Raam Raj for the whole world.
> If you are interested in becoming the national coordinator for your
> country please email your name and contact details to
> sues...@...
> Please feel free to contact us for any questions.
> We look forward to hearing from you,
> Jai Guru Dev
> Susie Swan and Mona Kägi-Causemann
> International Coordinators for Raising Funds for the Maharishi Vedic
> Pandits
> 447335&aid=-1&auser=0&oid=386134447335&id=1348046669>
> 447335&aid=-1&auser=0&oid=386134447335&id=1348046669>
> http://www.vedicpandits.org/ <http://www.vedicpandits.org/>
> http://dl.globalgoodnews.com/pdf/Vedic-Pandits.pdf
> <http://dl.globalgoodnews.com/pdf/Vedic-Pandits.pdf>

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