Rick Archer wrote:
> Comment I made to a friend. Might stimulate discussion here:
>  We're in the midst of the most fundamental transformation in recorded human
> history. The pace of change is accelerating faster than we realize. Many
> societal, economic, and technological systems which most consider rock-solid
> are already crumbling and will eventually die out, to be replaced by other
> systems which are already emerging. The trick is to balance the collapse of
> the old with the emergence of the new in such a way as to minimize
> disruption and chaos. We're not going back to 19th century technologies,
> we're moving ahead to entirely new ones. The evolutionary force is
> quickening.

Remember MMY's "cultural integration"?  Maybe he got it from someone 
else but I always thought it was an astute observation and I see the 
process in action all the time.  We can also think about the "Future 
Shock" that technology brought on.  I don't think we are going to see 
the technological advances that we've seen in the past because society 
is having a difficult time absorbing technology even in the most 
prosperous countries.  What IS needed is a change to accommodate the 
extreme population on this planet.  However given animal nature we're 
more likely to flounder and have a total economic collapse.  Buckminster 
Fuller once wrote that we could accommodate this population but to do so 
the establishment would have to give up their power.  That is very 
unlikely because the establishment would rather solve the problem by 
killing off the excessive population.

I think we are in for about 40 years of the US being a war zone.  I 
think this furor over the immigration thing in Arizona (and proposed in 
Texas) plus a lot of other divisive issues.  It would be nice if it 
wouldn't go this way but I'm afraid looking at trends it may.  And of 
course it accommodates the establishment's method.

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