Buck wrote:
>>> This is all too Orwellian. 
>> You sound really angry and scared - maybe you should 
>> reconsider joining in a Tea Party protest.
> As an old conservative meditator by experience my conspiracy friends I watch. 
>  Yeah, i'd be concerned about the anger and fear some of my friends around 
> here vex themselves with over their conspiracy theories.  Spiritually it is 
> just not good.  You can just see how they let their subtle energy systems get 
> snagged and bawled up.  Sad really to watch them combust.   They haven't 
> something better to do than fret and split hairs over figment completely 
> beyond their reality?  Like they're missing what is infront of themselves & 
> should just repent and go sit more with God in meditation.  The science is 
> pretty clear on that. 
> Jai Adi Shankara,
> -Buck   

There is a difference between "being scared" and "being angry" and 
especially outraged.   50 years ago if the government had done this the 
public would have screamed "this is communism!"   That is because we 
were told such citizen spy programs were what the communist countries 
do.   Now if I had said that this program was "communist" Willy would 
have be hard put to use his usual retort as, God forbid, he would have 
sounded like a communist sympathizer.

We know that many prisoners in Gitmo were just innocent folks that 
people in Afghanistan turned in for the cash the US military was 
offering.  Do you want that here?  Authoritarian governments rise on the 
backs of their apathetic citizens.   So there is nothing wrong with 
waking up the public.  This time the article did not first appear on the 
so called "conspiracy" sites but on the MSM.  And in the comment 
sections of those news outlets people were overwhelmingly opposed to 
such a program.  Perhaps your friends just think you're an apathetic 
boob.  Or maybe you are REALLY a communist.  After all you wanted to 
take over FFL and control speech.  We took it as a joke but maybe you 
were serious. I guess that would say you're a communist but since Nabby 
reminds all the time us that communism is dead you must be a zombie. :-D

Programs like these are security theater made to look like your 
government is doing something.  Instead it may cause massive 
unemployment for parking attendants as people will not be wanting to 
hand over their keys to them.

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