On Jul 21, 2004, at 12:46 PM, Llundrub wrote:

----I don't think I ever used the words "evil" or "hatred." 

Selective memory perhaps?

The honest fact is that you have never really seen through my words to their essence which is the relativity of conceptualization in general.

Never? Seems you and Off World possess similar siddhis.

 Most of what I do on this group is like holding up a mirror, and every time I hold one up to you you just swing your hand like at a fly.

Every time?

It makes me especially mad at you because I expected you to be more reflective since we share some more esoteric teachings, but you're never representin.

Never? Man that's a lot of absolutes. I have not felt I was here to represent "esoteric teachings"--maybe talk about what a path different people may take beyond TM and how they integrate what they already have. That's my greatest interest. Paths are relative. And there are different paths for different people--even if that means 'no path'.

I have heard you talk "about" various esoteric Buddhist topics, but honestly from my perspective you seem to miss the points much of the time--and I know lamas have told you this as well. Interesting concepts if that's what your into (and I certainly respect your right to do that if you wish), but it's really about experience and life. How well can you integrate it into your life? How well can I integrate it into my life?

But to be clear, I have a very clear idea of what my intent is and what's behind it. I do not typically fly off the handle, half-cocked. It's just part of the way I was trained but more importantly because it is something I find useful and practical. Therefore when someone else tries to tell 'what I think" or "what I mean" and it's off base, I can recognize that. So if you have a specific beef, quote me. Otherwise I just sense reaction outside what I am saying. Sure I could say where I feel that's coming from, but these are really personal issues for the individual to work out. It's particularly interesting to me when we can simply state things 'as they are'--as what other people *assume* you mean tells you more about them and their underlying motivations/attachments.

Moreover you're constantly putting on more makeup.

Constantly? How would you know? Could you quote me?

Maybe I was sitting here naked the whole time.

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