WillyTex wrote:
>>> Taxpayers won't pay a dime for the cleanup...
> Bhairitu:
>> Then they definitely are too big to exist...
> You are sounding more un-American every day. 
> None of your crack-pot ideas has a chance to 
> succeed. The idea is to create more jobs, not 
> less. If you don't like off-shore drilling, 
> you should sell your car and quite whining. 

What about more small businesses than big?  Have you ever watched what 
happens when a big business acquires a small one?  They lay off people 
in areas that will be duplicated.  When you break up companies these 
jobs come back.  Your thinking is flawed and you make no sense.

I'd be happy to have an electric car to use most of the time and leave 
the Forester for long trips.  But they still charge a premium for those 
electrics.  I might instead just replace the Forester with an even more 
fuel efficient smaller car since I don't really need the Forester 
anymore for hauling things. 
> British Petroleum will pay for the clean-up, 
> but that's not enough for you liberals I guess. 
> Let's trash another public business that 
> provides high-quality jobs for people. 

We'll see if they pay for it all.  My bet is they're weasel out of it 
someway and the taxpayers will not even bleat.

Let's see high quality jobs like working on dirty oil rigs?

White Willy speaks with forked tongue.

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