--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchy...@...> wrote:
> From top hat to top kill, BP has delayed doing anything to
> plug the leak permanently.

Gotta jump on this again. The *only* thing that can be
done to plug the leak permanently is the relief well,
which they're drilling as fast as they can. All the
other measures are stopgaps, attempts to lessen or 
hopefully temporarily choke off the flow until they can
get the relief well done.

One reason the stopgap measures are taking so long is
that if they aren't done *right*, they pose extreme
danger to the people implementing them on the surface.
Nobody wants those ships to go up in flames like the

If the measures are not done with extreme care, they
also risk destroying the wellhead, in which case the
uncontrolled flow of oil will make what's coming out
now look like a puny trickle.

> My bet is they won't EVER clean the mess nor will they
> pay one cent to the thousands of PEOPLE who have lost
> their businesses.

They're required by law to do both.

> They will suck up every last drop of oil possible, the
> environment be damned.

Again, it is NOT the case that BP is dragging its feet in
the hope of getting more oil from this well.

This well is no more. It has ceased to be. It has expired
and gone to meet its maker. It is an ex-well.

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