--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John" <jr_...@...> wrote:
> BP's failure to contain the oil spill discloses its gross
> negligence in managing the oil drilling operations.  The
> company should have installed safety measures to prevent
> fires and explosions.  In the event of explosions, the
> company should have had a multifaceted contingency plan in
> place to contain possible disasters.
> As it is now, the company clearly shows it does not have any
> idea how to fix this disaster

*Nobody* knows how to fix this disaster. Given that there
were no plans for dealing with it beforehand, BP's doing
as well as anybody else could, trying one thing after
another. It's a tremendously complicated problem to shut
off the oil flow, much more so than most people realize.

> The company officials should be indicted for criminal and
> gross negligence, as well as being fined for the damage it
> has caused in the coastal regions of the states affected.

They're in a heap o' trouble as it is. It's beginning to
look as though BP's American subsidiary may not survive
(she said hopefully).

It should be noted that the reason they were able to get
away with the laxity that brought about the blowout was
that under Bush, the MMS, the agency that's supposed to
supervise and regulate the oil drilling industry, had
become an arm of the industry. And when Obama took office,
reforming the agency was not at the top of his list of

So it isn't *just* BP that's to blame here.

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