How about incompetent governments? Humans aren't bright enough to run such 
large organizations anyway. Let market forces do it!

From: Bhairitu <>
Sent: Wed, June 2, 2010 12:36:32 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] BP Managers are Incompetent

John wrote:
> BP's failure to contain the oil spill discloses its gross negligence in 
> managing the oil drilling operations. The company should have installed 
> safety measures to prevent fires and explosions. In the event of explosions, 
> the company should have had a multifaceted contingency plan in place to 
> contain possible disasters.
> As it is now, the company clearly shows it does not have any idea how to fix 
> this disaster. The company officials should be indicted for criminal and 
> gross negligence, as well as being fined for the damage it has caused in the 
> coastal regions of the states affected.

Well BP probably had a think tank do a cost vs benefit analysis of being 
prepared for these kinds of catastrophes and decided to not to spend on 
prevention. This happens way too much. Wasn't it Ford that decided 
human lives weren't worth the effort of making the Pinto safer? See 
where the public stands in the blind eyes of the greedy? BP should be 
seized and broken up. Then we should start looking for other 
incompetent companies. Humans aren't bright enough to run such large 
organizations anyway.


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