Xanax detox is a life threatening event, it must be done medically supervised.  
One needs to be supervised as one winds down the dosage, there's really no two 
ways about it.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ditzyklanmail <carc...@...> wrote:
> From close experience these past few months and this past week, a very good 
> friend of the family was on Zanax went cold turkey and got seizures so the 
> doc put the friend on klonopin and a few suicide attempts were had by a young 
> person in their early 20's. Never before suicidal. The friend said the drugs 
> make one wish to get out of the body because of discomfort. The friend is an 
> athiest and does not meditate from any Guru lineage. The weird thing is, at 
> the psycho ward, the doctors and program kept suggesting he should believe in 
> God, by their daily prayer circles.  When the friend asked the doctor about 
> meditating, one doctor answered with " You mean that Hindu, eastern stuff?"  
> The friend just realized they were all crazy at the psycho ward and now is 
> trying to find a doctor who can help wean off the pills. The friend's close 
> family member works in the medical field. It is usually the answer to the 
> friend's family. 
> There is nothing spiritual about clutching a knife and razors.
> ________________________________
> From: Buck <dhamiltony...@...>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Thu, 3 June, 2010 8:35:34 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Acedia  &  Fairfield
> >
> > In the news, a young person of the meditating community put an end to his 
> > life this last week.
> > 
> > http://preview.tinyurl.com/34a3rnz
> >
> Does taking Anti-depressants preclude spiritual experience?
> Just wondering given the recent experience of exulted experiences and suicide.
> Exulted transcendental experiences and depressed.  Does taking 
> anti-depressants also shut off the spiritual experience?  Get in the way of 
> transcending?
> I don't know.  I'm just wondering given the recent example.  Spiritual 
> experiences and anti-D's?  Anybody got real experience to relate to?  Dr. 
> Pete, what do you know?
> Acedia as spiritual depression, is there a place for anti-D's in spiritual 
> depression?  Should meditators be afraid of taking anti-D's?  Anti-psychs?
> Thanks in advance,
> -Buck

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