You'd really dig this:

Also the Nat. Geo. special of the "Lost Cave Temples of the Himalayas" is a 
real good documentary as they reconstruct in 3D huge cave monasteries and 
libraries they find on the old, now defunct salt trading routes between Nepal 
and Tibet.

On Jun 4, 2010, at 1:32 PM, yifuxero wrote:

> Featured in National Geographic: "In a Silk Road oasis, thousands of Buddhas 
> enthrall scholars and tourists alike".
> "a stand of poplars under the dunes of China's Gobi desert marks the presence 
> of a seasonal river and a mile-long cliff carved by its waters. In the fourth 
> century AD Buddhists began digging caves in the rock face and decorating the 
> darkness with paintings and statues."
> ...

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