Do you find that the prozac negatively affects your meditation or YFing?

--- In, "It's just a ride" 
<bill.hicks.all.a.r...@...> wrote:
> On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 10:46 AM, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> >
> >
> > IME the "dark night" is widely valued and promoted by this (and other FF)
> > groups. However it was never clear if the people who had 'passed thru their
> > dark night of the soul' (and then promoted such experiences as valuable for
> > "enlightenment"/"awakening") were just people just happened to survive a
> > particularly bad bout of depression and were parsing their recovery from
> > that depression as "special" or if they were truly in some more integrated
> > state of consciousness. In any event, such state-chasing support groups are
> > potential disasters just waiting to happen. Couple that with the general TM
> > Org-based fear that psychiatric medication will dampen or prevent the
> > unfolding of "higher states of consciousness" and you have a recipe for all
> > kinds of things.
> >
> The horror.  The horror.  Imagine.  I was a meditator, nay TM sidha, nay
> participant of IA whose kitchen table served as the pub for other IA
> participants, resident at the Raj, fellow residents of Rukmapura and
> residents at Utopia Park and less in town.  I kept my bottle of Prozac on
> that kitchen table.  I was asked if DEVCO knew about the bottle.  I
> responded that they didn't ask.  TBs drew away from the bottle, everyone
> else just enjoyed the tea, scones and conversation.  I took the bottle with
> me to my Ayurvedic consult.  I was told if I took panchakarma I would have
> to stay on the Prozac exactly as ordered, how much PK did I want to schedule
> and did I want to take it in our out of Raj residence?
> >
> > Hopefully this will be a "wake up" call *of a different kind* for these
> > groups that pretend to dispense wisdom, but instead delve in an area where
> > they really have little expertise.
> >
> >
> >
> This was to happen as part of our dealing with lessors like consultants at
> Whole Foods and the like.  We would actually for the first time let low
> lives become involved in our affairs.  Haven't we dealt with an underclass
> all of our existence by paying meditators and maybe sidhas very low wages
> for the privilege or working in the library or presiding over TSR?
> -- 
> "Money can't buy you friends, but it does get you a better class of enemy" –
> Spike Milligan

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