--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "emptybill" <emptyb...@...> wrote:
> Oh, the shark, babe, has such teeth, dear
> And it shows them pearly white
> Just a jackknife has old MacHeath, babe
> And he keeps it, ah, out of sight
> Ya know when that shark bites with his teeth, babe
> Scarlet billows start to spread
> Fancy gloves, oh, wears old MacHeath, babe
> So there's never, never a trace of red
> Bertold Brecht
> According to Ralph von Wau Wau it's all part of the application of
> political power - whether hits, misses, strident ideology or just
> opportunism.
> According to Mahatma Propagandhi, Joseph Goebbels, it is loyalty to the
> people, loyalty to the idea, loyalty to the movement, and loyalty to the
> master guide!
> "Which side are you on" is usually the final question before either
> joining someone's political theater or, instead, getting executed.
> As for either politicos or devas/asuras, I'm not on anyone's side but
> most assuredly I'm not on the side of immense beings whose leisure and
> amusement is to play out  their designs in the human realm.
> This of course sounds like fantasy to most people.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@>
> wrote:
> >
> > I don't get what the inhabitants of subtle worlds has to do with
> Rabinowitz's not so subtle hit piece on Obama.
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "emptybill" emptybill@ wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > Whether I agree or disagree ... isn't it still the shark's bite?
> > >

EB, if I understand you correctly, you're saying the gods are as crazy for 
political power as we are, so in the larger scheme of things, and since it's 
all about the shark's bite, (raping) there's no point in taking sides. O.K. 
it's a bit obtuse and I get that, but I'm still curious about *why* you posted 
Rabinowitz's article. 

I agree, no matter the endless misery gods or humans bring upon themselves, 
everyone, not just those who have taken bodhisattva vows, have a responsibility 
to help everyone find happiness and freedom from suffering. The question is, 
since everyone has a different idea about the "causes" of happiness and 
"causes" leading to suffering, how do we go about helping others without 
getting wrapped up in taking sides? At the heart of every political ideology 
there is a desire to alleviate suffering but eventually it falls short, ends up 
as a struggle for power, implodes, and makes way for a new ideology. The 
pendulum swings from left to right, attempting homeostasis somewhere in the 

Ideologies operate in the relative life, in the field of change, in 
disagreements, of taking sides and war. Maharishi's great gift to the world and 
gift from other enlightened beings who have graced our planet, leads us to 
Being, uniting us on the level of consciousness, and making us responsible for 
own happiness. I'll buy that over a political ideology, any day. 

That said, I'm still willing to take a stand for a political ideology that I 
believe can best serve our country at this point in time. The bottom line for 
me is that we have to learn how to work the nuts and bolts of political 
machinery as best we can so we can avoid driving our economy, educational 
system, health care, etc, etc, over a cliff.   

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