Science will win what ?

Quote from some previous post: "science will win because it

What an absurd and meaningless thing to say. Doesn't everything
work? Everything that happens works, but not necessarily for good.

Mindless entertainment works to keep people mindless; does that mean it

Let's see how science works:

Nuclear bombs work,  gas chambers, thousands of dangerous chemicals,
nuclear plants work very well at producing dangerous radiation waste,
suicidal processed foods, can dig oil wells so deep cannot control them,
go to the moon (what the heck for),  produce weapons for war, transplant
organs for a few at a staggering cost while billions go hungry,….

Obviously, I'm leaving out some of the good stuff, to make this
point because it does appear that survival of human race is at risk.

Like Einstein said the mind is a terrible master, but can be a
wonderful/good servant. Good servant to what? From my own experience and
observation of world, the mind( thinking itself the master and believing
only in material science or only in dogmatic religion) is the creator of
all the problems; whereas the heart is the seat of all the solutions
being the source of intuition which Einstein talked so favorably about.

Here are some Einstein quotes:

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is
on_without/15560.html> "

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is
limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces
the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and

  "Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you

"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile."  [sounds
like Amma]

"The only real valuable thing is intuition."

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well

And an article by Einstein on Religion and Science @

I do not agree with Einstein completely, because I have confidence that
the greatest scientists were and are the ancient sages and the current
sages. But, at least this article shows that Einstein did not think of
"Science VS Religion" but saw the necessity of  both, each at
its best, should  complement each other for beneficial progress and
survival of the human race.

I do see edg's point about using famous people's quotes as
somewhat a selective and questionable process and will contemplate on
that …

Om Shanti,


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