Resolving Self Consciousness

The greatest wonder of all wonders in all existence is not the
phenomenon of Consciousness but that of SELF consciousness.
Individualised personalised conscious existence. And yet it seems to be
the very thing which causes so many people so many problems. Why?  "I AM
ALONE"!  Yup, you sure are, but so what?

Without personalised self consciousness there could be no love, no
beauty, no dance and music of the spheres, no I and Thou. No ` I love
you'!  And without which then how bloody boring would life be. If
consciousness were a collective then we would all be sharing the same
conscious existence, like drones. But not quite so because there would
be no ME and no Thou.

That was one of the very first questions I ever asked myself as soon as
I was capable of thinking as a toddler – WHY AM I ME? !  And also of
course the question, WHAT am I. I would have imagined that those would
be the first questions that any young child asked itself, because it is
so bloody obvious that I am separated from the rest of them by virtue of
self consciousness. I AM ME.  And it seem to make so many of them feel
lonely.  Ahh, give them a religion to believe in that will shut them up
and keep them occupied and stop them thinking. And put yourself in
charge of that religion and you have a willing slave! Better than a dead
slave or an enemy that is for sure. What a wonderful thing religions
would be were it not for mystics and mystical transcendent experience
and finding out what that SELF is and where it hangs out and comes from!
So, they invent all these doG's and they can grab whichever one blows
their skirt up. But doG must be obeyed at all times, or else ! But only
the political priestcraft can know what doG wants and demands. Is this
world out of somnambulism yet? How long does it take for humanity to
evolve and grow up?

But then they have this innate gut feeling that `There is more than me'.
So it must be the great doG in the sky! There IS more than you chum.
There is also me and him and her and all these other life forms which
experience self consciousness.  But there is also more than that. There
is also the rest of yourself. It is the little personality that says I
AM ALONE. But when they experience other parts of themselves in action
then it must be BIG doG, not them. How blind can blind get!

Carl Jung was way off track with `Collective Consciousness'. The only
kind of collective consciousness is the sum of all the individual parts.
The collection of I AM's.  It is no different in TIME as it is in
Eternity, for the I in Eternity is still ME – Personalised
Consciousness. They don't seem to get it do they. They all tell me all
about BIG doG and yet they tell me nothing about themselves. That is a
good trick isn't it, to tell others all about that which they are not
(and does not even exist) and yet knowing nothing about their self.
Clever eh. It is I who lord it over the eternal paradise where time
cannot encroach upon its, and my, encompass.  They just don't get it do

What is energy STUFF before it comes into cognition?  See if you can
find out. What is that stuff which you walk upon each day?  Do you know?
What is that which is not you and which has no self consciousness?  Do
you know? A life form not studied is a life wasted. Given that self
consciousness is primordial then how does something come about which is
not conscious?  Do you know?  What is it that you DO know exactly?  Do
you know what you know and what you don't know?  Dont study the BIG doG
book, STUDY YOU !  IF not then you will remain in the shit of despotic

Oh yes :- )  And they will also tell you that you do not listen to them
when the them in question never says anything. How can you listen to
them when they are not saying anything?  As I have been saying since the
door of eternity closed for a while, Don't tell me what you believe for
that is BORING and irrelevant – Tell me WHAT YOU KNOW. Do they know
what KNOW means I wonder.

I once wrote "Without another to love all beauty is in vain". But that
is not exactly so, for without another to love there would be no beauty
on the scene at all.  As of yet science has not found Consciousness, and
they sure as hell have not found me. And they never will, for you cannot
find it from the outside.

You want to thank your lucky stars that you exist with personalised self
consciousness. IT WORKS.  What is the observed without an observer and
what is the observer without the observed? NO THING MADE. NO THING
KNOWN. Know Thy SELF for it is a great wonder, dear Asklepios, and it
was there in the beginning of cognitive BEING, in Eternity, as it is
also in Time. Truth is not relative to the observer and it is not
democratic nor arrived at by opinions, beliefs or wishes, nor can it be
rationalised. It is what it is now and for ever more.  It is there to
find. So are you. Discovery is a do it yourself job, but they will all
find the same thing. Try to prove it wrong. You will not. You cannot
prove wrong that which IS SO. The dice are stacked against both lies and
ignorance. You cannot not learn. Eventually.


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