Does anyone from the TMO stand and watch who enters the arena to see these 
saints?  Are they writing down names and then reporting them back to 
headquarters?  Do people still get called in and scolded or worse for seeing 
people like Amma, Trivedi?  I wonder if those days have passed.

--- In, "Buck" <dhamiltony...@...> wrote:
> --- In, "Hugo" <fintlewoodlewix@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In, "Buck" <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Went to the one-day retreat in FF w/ Trivedi.
> > > About 180 people.
> > > 
> > > Trivedi and Fred Poneman as the retreat m-c spent much of their
> > > time responding and positioning themselves relative
> > > to this mixed praise by Wilber.  Justifying why Trivedi
> > > can and should be able to act the way he does. That he
> > > is justifiably different.
> > > That he is not just a healer but is transformational, gets his
> > > instructions from the Divine which puts him beyond criticism.
> > 
> > 
> > > Evidently the ladies who were fronting him have stopped because he is so 
> > > volitile and abusive in personality.
> > > 
> > > Om Samskaras.
> > > 
> > > That said, he definitely has things to say in his way and is determined 
> > > that way by force of character. Was quite a 'spiritual experience' 
> > > meeting, as in that Genesis quote sort of way from John.
> > > 
> > > Marketing, the 'transformational' aspect on material things is something 
> > > they are trying to figure a name for, and evidently trademark as his. 
> > > Naming the universal Genesis energy in nature as 'Trivedi' in some way.  
> > > The Poneman brain for movement marketing/building at work the whole time.
> > > 
> > > Seemed to be a formative meeting.  
> > > 
> > > Om Samskaras,
> > > -Buck in FF  
> > > 
> > > 
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >  
> > > > Next weekend's one-day retreat in Fairfield --
> > > >  
> > > >
> > 
> > $150 for one session. Trademarking names of "energies".
> > beyond criticism due to connection with the divine. This 
> > all sounds depressingly familiar. As does the 5000 
> > scientific studies carried out at research centres all 
> > over the world.
> > 
> > Still, with the FF crowd he won't have to explain or justify
> > anything as they'll be well used to being fleeced in a
> > similar manner.
> > 
> > Can't help thinking there should be an element of "once 
> > bitten twice shy" about all this, I mean if the first 
> > technique they tried that was supposed to bring "all glories 
> > of the divine" into life had just left them a bit pale and 
> > tired, why would anyone willingly go through it again? 
> > 
> > Still, you can't doubt the optimism but it doesn't say much 
> > for long practise of TM if anyone in FF feels the need to go 
> > here and risk being banned from the dome (if they still go,
> > which also doesn't say much about TM).
> >
> Actually some people on the Invincible America course on campus worked to set 
> up the retreat with Trivedi.  The retreat schedule was rigged up to allow 
> folks from the IA course to also get to the retreat meetings. Quite a few IA 
> folks came quietly in to these meetings.  Like with Karunamayi last week, 
> though some people who need things like financial assistance for their kids 
> or themselves to be on the programs up there may call to be let in the side 
> door un-seen.
> A little while ago someone on the Hagelin committee looking at reasons folks 
> are not going to the domes asked me 'why the saints are coming to Fairfield?'
> They come mostly because they are invited by the meditating community.  There 
> is a practicality to bringing them here directly rather than having to travel 
> out to find them. It's a whole lot cheaper to bring them here than have to go 
> travel to find them.
> Effectily it's about the meditating community looking out for its well-being 
> spiritually.
> As in its own cultivation of spirituality along the lines of the genesis 
> experience of spirituality.  This is in response too to Turq's questions 
> about Trivedi and what people are getting out of it.  
> Spiritual experience along these lines is rooted in simple experience.  As 
> in:'Spiritual', In the experience of genesis. As John was poetically saying,
> "In the beginning there was the Word,
> and the word was with God, and the word was God.
> The same was the beginning with God. All things
> were made by him; and without him was not anything
> made that was made.
> In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
> And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
> That was the true light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world."
> -John 1:1-5
> There is a universality in that.
> People here do have their spiritual experience with it that makes it 
> compelling.  Generally, if it ain't there, folks go on to other things.  FF 
> has a lot of experience with what is real in spirituality that way. Hence 
> folks will sit with it as these healers or saints come around.
> And then too people do go with all kind of malady that they are hoping for 
> help with. The 'Life in the body' troubles that folks are also looking for 
> help with.  That has its own reality too.
> Trivedi is interesting to see come along because he comes as such a secular/ 
> culturally- un-ruddered example. He's an interesting show to watch wshile the 
> experience with him is palpable & also enduring. 'Go figure', as Tex would 
> say.
> -Buck

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