--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <no_re...@...> wrote:
> I'm a member of the mile high club, but geeze, an airplane's 
> bathroom is not your ideal chamber of delight. How much less 
> so in space with six type A geniuses at one's elbows?
> Compared to a private bed, propinquity sex in space has to 
> be but a furtive affair at best and a joke relative to any 
> sexuality based on a relationship with another's mind instead 
> of their being temporarily in a unique "love nest."  
> "Hey, Babe, you're here, I'm here, can I squirt yer guts on 
> our ten minute break?" -- seems tawdry.  

Could be that the "tawdry" is projected by you, 
Edg, and not necessarily a part of the actual 

For example, I'm a member of the mile high club, 
too, but we did it in the main cabin, surrounded
by other passengers (most of whom were admittedly 
asleep). We wound up having a three-seat row for
the two of us, no fixed dividers between the seats,
and they'd passed out blankets to everyone, so we 
were under the blankets. 

And the kicker? This was on a charter flight to
Europe, and the woman (ten years older than me,
so you don't have to get your "predator" dander
up) and I were on our way to our respective six-
month TM sidhi courses. Everyone on the plane 
was on the way there. 

We talked about it years later, and both agreed
that it had been one of the best sexual exper-
iences of our lives. We knew each other well,
had been there done that with the relationship
thing but remained good friends, and both were 
on our ways to six months of enforced celibacy, 
the women in one town, the men in another. It 
was just the obvious thing to do, it was fun, 
and it hurt no one. The lady and I remained 
close for many years after that, though we
were never lovers again. 

So tell us, Mr. Arbiter Of Things Tantrically
Sattvic, was that "tawdry?" 

> But if they send up pairs that are already bonded or 
> exploring having a lifelong relationship, I'm all for 
> sex in space. Sex is for grownups not high-ups, but 
> in space, given the costs, I'd say it'll be awhile 
> before a lengthy tantric love session is recreation-
> ally allowed above 100 miles.

The scuttlebutt around the Santa Fe Institute, 
a thinktank where several of my friends worked
after earlier careers at NASA, was that the
Russians had actually ordered their Cosmonauts 
to have sex, because they wanted to study it.
That's something that can never be validated
except by hearsay, if some of the scientists
and/or one of the Cosmonauts comes out with a
"tell all" book, but I think it's interesting.

I'm really not knocking your ideal of Deep, 
Gazing-Into-Your-Partner's-Eyes Tantric Groove 
Love, Edg, just your clinging to it as The Only 
Meaningful Expression Of Sex Possible because 
that's the only way it was possible for you. 
You missed out on a lot of fun.

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